Education/News/March 2020/An Update on Wikimedia Indonesia’s Education Program - Outreach Wiki Jump to content

Education/News/March 2020/An Update on Wikimedia Indonesia’s Education Program

From Outreach Wiki

An Update on Wikimedia Indonesia’s Education Program


Wiki Masuk Sekolah (Wiki Goes to School)

Wikimedia Indonesia started the new semester in 2020 by collaborating with 3 educational institutions in 3 cities; Padang, Bandung, and Surakarta, for the Wiki Masuk Sekolah (Wiki Goes to School) program. In Padang we collaborated with Padang 5 High School, in Bandung we collaborated with Bandung 9 High School, and in Surakarta we managed to collaborate again with Sebelas Maret University.
In the two high schools in Bandung and Padang, Wiki Masuk Sekolah (WMS) was organized in the extracurricular programs for 6 meetings each. The activities were carried out by our communities in those two regions. In Padang, the students were taught and required to write on Minangkabau Wikipedia, while in Bandung, they had to write on Sundanese Wikipedia. In Surakarta, the activity was run by our community in Yogyakarta. There were two classes that the Yogyakarta community had to handle, the first was Editing class, and the second was Journalism class. WMS in Surakarta focused more on writing on Javanese Wikipedia.

Internship program

As for our Internship program for Education, our Community Space in Padang and Yogyakarta opened recruitments for new interns in February. In total, there were 67 people who applied for this opportunity, however only four people were selected to take part in this internship program in these two communities. During the Internship program this semester, the interns were expected to learn a lot about Wikimedia Indonesia and its communities, the communities’ activities, Wiki projects, and also how to contribute to Wiki projects. They will also be involved in various Wikimedia Indonesia’s Education Program’s activities, such as WikiLatih (Wiki training), Kopdar (meetups), Wiki Masuk Sekolah (Wiki Goes to School), and WikiPelatih (training for trainers).

WikiPelatih Guru WMID-PGRI Jakarta II (training for trainers with PGRI in Jakarta II)

Wikimedia Indonesia and Teachers Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PGRI) have also planned to conduct a series of training-of-trainers program for the third time in Jakarta. This event was planned to consist of 6 meetings that will take place from March-April 2020. The first meeting of this planned event has already been held on 13th of March 2020. It was attended by 24 participants (who were all teachers) from Jabodetabek area (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi). Catur Nurrochman Oktavian, a junior high school teacher who managed to successfully complete the first Wikimedia Indonesia - PGRI ToT and has received a certificate from Wikimedia Indonesia as a Wiki trainer, became the presenter in this meeting.

COVID-19 and Education activities postponement

Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, and Wikimedia Foundation’s advice to postpone all the offline activities that will require direct interactions, our Wiki Masuk Sekolah, Internship program, and our ToT program are also postponed. All the individuals, institutions, and communities involved in these programs have already been informed. However, Wikimedia Indonesia has committed to maintain the communications and also the collaborations with them once things get better and we are permitted to continue our offline activities. Our next step is to fully evaluate the current situation and to prepare other plans for such circumstances, such as online training, online class or online meet-up in our next program.



To learn more about this program, please contact Amy at or Raymond at

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