Education/News/January 2020/Training of Trainers for Teachers in South Sulawesi Was Organized For the First Time - Outreach Wiki Jump to content

Education/News/January 2020/Training of Trainers for Teachers in South Sulawesi Was Organized For the First Time

From Outreach Wiki

Training of Trainers for Teachers in South Sulawesi Was Organized For the First Time

Summary: Wikimedia Indonesia collaborated with National Board of Teachers Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PB PGRI) organized the second Training of Trainers in Makassar, South Sulawesi.

Wikimedia Indonesia collaborated with National Board of Teachers Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PB PGRI) organized a Training of Trainers (TOT). The training was held in Makassar Religious Training Center, South Sulawesi and involving teachers from Gowa and Makassar, as well as some educators of Makassar Religious Training Center. This TOT was initiated by Irman Yasin Limpo, and was supported by Unifah Rosyidi, Head of PB PGRI. This was the second TOT held by Wikimedia Indonesia that collaborated with PB PGRI. Wikimedia Indonesia also successfully collaborated with PB PGRI before to run a similar program in the beginning of 2019.

Prior to the start of the event, Wikimedia Indonesia signed an MoU with PB PGRI of South Sulawesi and Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Makassar Muhammadiyah University (Unismuh). The MoU covers the collaboration in terms of the development of human resources through writing and editing workshop as well as the organization of similar activities that support the free open knowledge sharing for the society.

There were 30 participants in total for this TOT on how to contribute to Wikipedia. These participants were teachers from the Ministry of Education and Culture, and also from the Ministry of Religious Affairs that came from two regions in South Sulawesi, which were Gowa and Makassar. Some educators from Makassar Religious Training Center also attended this TOT. The training rigorously lasted for 3 days, from December 16 to December 18, 2019. During the training, the participants were introduced to Wiki projects, especially Wikipedia. They learned about how Wikipedia works, how to find valid references and write them down into a good article, and how to think critically when searching for sources. Their digital literacy also expected to improve after this training.

Biyanto Rebin, the Chair of Wikimedia Indonesia stated that this collaboration became the first step for them to reach the eastern part of Indonesia in spreading free knowledge. South Sulawesi PGRI which is based in Makassar and FKIP of Unismuh were important partners of Wikimedia Indonesia to support this outreach attempt.

Erwin Akib, the Dean of FKIP of Unismuh, welcomed this collaboration very well. He hoped that this collaboration can become the first step to develop the teachers in South Sulawesi’s literacy. Besides, he said, this collaboration was also in-line with a concept proposed by Nadiem Makarim, the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia to improve the teacher’s digital literacy.



To learn more about this program, please contact Raymond at

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