Adding your research to ORCA -ORCA
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Adding your research to ORCA

You can add your research outputs into ORCA via:

  • DOI deposit using the intranet tool Manage My Publications
  • Research Portal quick deposit page
  • The main ORCA website
  • Bulk import from ORCID

All items deposited will be reviewed by library staff prior to being added to ORCA. You will receive a confirmation email with a URL.

DOI deposit

This is the quickest route, and we recommend you use this if you are depositing a publication with a working DOI. Manage My Publications is available in both the staff and student intranet.

Enter the DOI of your article into the box (without the 'https://doi' prefix) and click Get Record. The bibliographic data of your article will then appear. Click submit to deposit the record for review by the repository team. Click here to download a PDF guide.

Research Portal.

If your article does not have a DOI, or you are submitting books, chapters or conference items, you can deposit these quickly via Research Portal. Log in with your Cardiff University credentials, and click the blue Add New button in the top right corner. Select Publication, and then choose the item type that describes the output you wish to deposit. Complete the short deposit form - mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk. For additional support, we have a short video guide.


Adding records using the ORCA interface is a longer process and we would recommend it only for non-standard item types such as compositions, artefacts or audio/visual content.

Go to User Area Login on the home page side menu and you will be taken to your Manage Deposits page. Click the blue New Item button and follow the set of screens through to the final deposit page. You can move between screens by using the ‘previous’ and ‘next’ buttons at the top and bottom of each screen. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.

You can keep records in your personal work area until you are ready to deposit them into ORCA. Once deposited, they are added to the review queue for editing. Once deposited you cannot make any changes to the record. Click here to download a PDF guide.


If you have an ORCID ID with a list of your publications, you can pull these into ORCA in one go via the Research Portal. Log in to the Research Portal, and select Add New in the top right-hand corner, then select Import from ORCID. You will then see your details and ORCID listed. Select the ORCID search tab and click the ORCID button. Your ORCID number should already have populated the search box. Click Search. Select all the records you wish to add to ORCA and choose to validate and then confirm. For additional support, please see this short video guide. You can also contact your subject librarian to assist you with this.

For further advice

If you have any queries regarding depositing items, please contact the ORCA Team at or telephone us on 02920 876123. You can also follow our twitter feed @CUOpenResearch.