OMP and OJS are very popular among all. From universities, hospitals, and other institutions. For OJS, 33.190 installations occurred in 2023.
As for OMP, unfortunately, there are no statistics on how many times people have installed OMP.
However, what is the difference between OMP and OJS?
So here, we will show the difference between the OMP and the OJS.
The origin of both software. #
In short, both software was created and developed under the same non-profit research initiative, namely the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), where the software is free and open source, so you can modify / use OMP and OJS for free. The license is the GNU General Public License (GPL v3).
PKP developed OJS to increase access to research, increase the number of journal readers, and contribute to the public interest on a global scale where OJS has been used by as many as 10,000 journals from around the world.
As for the OMP, it is an open-source software platform for managing and publishing scientific books. OMP has a workflow for managing books starting from Submission > Internal Review > External Review > Copyediting > Production.
What are the benefits of using OMP as a book publishing platform & OJS as an article publishing platform? #
The main benefit of why many publishers use OMP is they can use the same workflow for managing any book submission, increase the exposure to indexing service, allow for citation features in OMP, improve the visibility of the source of the book, and other features.
If you are used to the OJS platform, using OMP is very easy because the interface and all the workflow are similar to what OJS has to offered.
What is the different purpose of OMP and OJS? #
OMP used for this : #
- Scientific books,
- Monograph book,
- And others related to books.
Many of the OJS publishers will collect some of the focused themes of their article and bundle this on the OMP platform to publish it as a book.
OJS used for : #
- Scientific journals,
- Research Instrument article,
- And others related to articles.
Why was the software created? #
PKP developed OJS to increase access to research, increase the number of journal readers, and contribute to the public interest on a global scale.
Meanwhile, OMP provides convenience in managing and publishing scientific / related books online.
What should I use? OMP or OJS? #
- If you need to manage, provide, and publish a book, choose OMP (Open Monograph Press).
- If you need to manage, provide, and publish a journal / article, choose OJS (Open Journal Systems).
Conclusion #
OMP and OJS are software created by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP). Where the software is free to download or modify. Both software is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL v3).
OMP is usually used by people to take care of providing, and publishing a book online (Can be accessed via the internet).
For OJS, people are usually used to taking care of the provision and publication of a journal / article online (Which can be accessed via the internet).