Contact OCR
Contact OCR
For assistance related to civil rights, you may contact the OCR headquarters office in Washington D.C. or the OCR enforcement office serving your state or territory. Contact the enforcement offices if you wish to file a complaint (or use our online complaint form) or if you need technical assistance on a problem or assistance to prevent civil rights problems. Contact the OCR headquarters office if you have a question on national policy, to make a Freedom of Information request for information that is national in scope, or to request publications or other assistance that is not available online.
We encourage students and parents, representatives of education institutions, and other OCR customers to use e-mail or fax to communicate with OCR when possible. For those without current e-mail accounts, Internet access may be freely available from your local public library, and free e-mail accounts are available from several large providers. Fax numbers and email addresses for each OCR office are provided below.
To locate the enforcement office serving your area select the state or territory where you live.
Contact Us | U.S. Department of Education
To contact other Department of Education programs, use the Guide to U.S. Department of Education Programs to find the name and telephone number of the Department office responsible for any of about 175 programs that the Department administers.
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