Consumer Complaint Against A Business/Company | State of California - Department of Justice - Office of the Attorney General

Consumer Complaint Against A Business/Company

If you prefer to contact us by regular mail, download this form, then print, fill in, and mail.

For information on the collection and use of personal information, please see our notice, Information Collection, Use and Access.

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* Indicates a Required Field
Your Information
Please fill out the information below for the consumer you are submitting this complaint for.
Business Information (Complaint Against):
  • You are represented by a lawyer about this issue
  • You have sued the company or the company has sued you
  • There is a legal proceeding pending that involves this issue
State what has happened

(e.g., you sued the company or the company you sued you) and the status and, if applicable, your lawyer’s contact information.

  • Files must be less than 4 MB.
  • Allowed file types: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx.
  • Do not include any personal or confidential information, such as your social security number or bank account number.
Additional Information About You (optional)
Attorney General's Role

In sending this consumer complaint, I understand that the Attorney General cannot answer legal questions or give legal advice to me and cannot act as my personal lawyer.
I also understand that the Attorney General may need to refer my complaint to a more appropriate agency.