1. Introduction

This website may collect personal information (as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Information Protection Act”)) and other information related to the individual (hereinafter referred to as “Customer Information”) when you use this website.

We will handle Customer Information in compliance with the Personal Information Protection Act, other relevant laws and guidelines, and the privacy policy set forth below (hereinafter referred to as “this Privacy Policy”).

2. Scope

This Privacy Policy applies to all Customer Information collected by this website when you use it.

3. Customer Information Collected by This Website

This website collects Customer Information by:

a. Direct input by customers on services related to this website.

b. Provision by customers through means such as email, postal mail, written documents, telephone, etc.

c. Collection during the use or browsing of services related to this website.

Information collected during your use of this website includes:

  • ・Basic information such as your name, address, and occupation.
  • ・Contact information such as your phone number and email address.
  • ・Information related to cookies, IP addresses, device types, mobile device identifiers, browser types, browser languages, referring URLs, platform types, page views, page view times, and activity dates and times on the website.
  • ・Other information related to your use of this website.

4. Purposes of Use

We will use the Customer Information specified in Section 3 for the following purposes:

Providing services related to this website to customers:

  • ・To provide other services related to this website to customers.

Improvement and planning of new services related to this website:

  • ・For the investigation and analysis of usage and utilization patterns of this website.

Announcements and responses to inquiries related to services on this website:

  • ・To communicate and provide information related to services on this website.
  • ・To confirm applications for email delivery services and to deliver emails.
  • ・To send prizes for any sweepstakes entries.
  • ・To respond to inquiries and requests from customers.
  • ・To communicate appropriately regarding the use of this website by customers.

Advertising and marketing:

  • ・To distribute, display, or measure the effectiveness of advertisements on this website.
  • ・To implement other measures for advertising and marketing purposes.

Management and operations:

  • ・To check the usage and registration information of services related to this website.
  • ・To confirm compliance with the terms by customers.
  • ・To address issues related to violations or suspected violations of the terms by customers and resolve any operational troubles of this website.
  • ・To implement necessary measures to ensure safe use by customers and maintain the quality of services related to this website.

5. Entrustment and Provision of Customer Information to Third Parties

We may entrust or provide Customer Information to third parties in the following cases. In such cases, we will examine whether the recipients meet our criteria and ensure appropriate supervision and proper management of Customer Information through contracts.

Entrustment and provision to business contractors:

  • For processing Customer Information, providing information to customers, conducting campaigns, and investigating or analyzing usage of services related to this website.

Entrustment and provision to cooperating or partnering entities:

  • For the provision of services related to this website in cooperation or partnership with other companies (including cooperation or partnership with advertising service providers, advertising agencies, and other advertising-related entities for the distribution, display, or measurement of advertising).

Provision to successors due to business succession:

  • In case of a merger, company split, or business transfer that involves the transfer of services related to this website to another company (including the establishment of a new corporation to which the business of this website is transferred).

Provision based on laws and regulations:

  • When required by courts, administrative agencies, regulatory authorities, or other public institutions based on laws and regulations.

Provision for dispute resolution with third parties:

  • When necessary to provide Customer Information to resolve disputes with third parties or to protect the rights and interests of customers or third parties related to services on this website.

6. Management

We will strictly manage Customer Information to prevent loss, destruction, alteration, unauthorized access, and leakage. If we entrust the handling of personal information to other companies, we will appropriately supervise such companies.

7. Use of Google Analytics and Cookies

Use of Google Analytics:

Use of Cookies:

  • This website may use cookies and similar technologies for purposes such as improving convenience, statistical data analysis, and advertising distribution, display, and effectiveness measurement. Cookies are text data stored on your device when you access services related to this website. You can restrict or refuse the acceptance of cookies through your browser settings, but this may prevent the normal use of services related to this website.

8. Use of Google Forms

This site uses Google’s form creation tool “Google Forms” for receiving submissions. Information collected through Google Forms is managed based on Google’s privacy policy. For Google’s privacy policy, please refer to here.

9. Confirmation and Correction of Customer Information, Disclosure of Retained Personal Data, etc.

Customers can take the following actions regarding the handling of Customer Information:

Confirmation and correction of Customer Information:

  • Customers can confirm and correct their registered Customer Information at any time.

Disclosure of retained personal data:

If we receive a request from a customer to disclose retained personal data or records of provision to third parties, we will disclose it without delay except in the following cases:

  • ・When disclosure may harm the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the person or a third party.
  • ・When disclosure may significantly hinder the proper execution of our business.
  • ・When disclosure would violate laws and regulations.

Correction, etc. of retained personal data:

  • If we receive a request from a customer for correction, addition, deletion, erasure, suspension of use, or cessation of provision to third parties of retained personal data, we will investigate and confirm that the request is from the customer or an appropriately authorized agent and that the request meets relevant legal requirements and respond in accordance with the law. Please note that due to technical limitations, we may not be able to directly respond to your request.

10. Retention Period

We will retain Customer Information for the period specified by law or for the period necessary to achieve the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy. After the necessary period has passed, we will promptly dispose of or erase personal information in an appropriate manner.

11. International Data Transfer

If we provide Customer Information to third parties outside the EU, we will take appropriate protective measures based on the GDPR (e.g., conclusion of standard contractual clauses, obtaining Privacy Shield certification). This ensures that recipients outside the EU maintain protection levels based on the GDPR.

12. Data Protection Officer (DPO)

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) based on the GDPR and will respond to customer inquiries through the following contact information:

Data Protection Officer (DPO):

  • ・Name: Fumiya Matsuda
  • ・Position: Data Protection Officer
  • ・Contact Information:
  • Address: 3-10-28-3 Kitahonmachi, Kochi City, Kochi Prefecture, 780-0056
  • Phone Number: 088-883-3322
  • Email Address: niyodoblue-photo@usk-ad.com

13. Disclaimer and Notes

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) based on the GDPR and will respond to customer inquiries through the following contact information:

Use of other companies’ websites:

  • We are not responsible for the protection of personal information, etc., on other companies’ or individuals’ websites (including websites linked to from this website). Please carefully check the content of such websites before using them.

Information for verifying your identity:

  • Please strictly manage information for verifying your identity to prevent loss, forgetting, or leakage to third parties.

14. Changes to and Confirmation of the Latest Privacy Policy

We may change the content of this Privacy Policy as appropriate. Please be sure to confirm the latest Privacy Policy when using services related to this website. If we change this Privacy Policy, we will notify or inform customers of the changes and the effective date. If legal consent is required for the changes, we will obtain customer consent (including cases where customers are deemed to have agreed to the changes if they use this website after notification or if they do not take steps such as canceling registration within the period specified by us).

15. Contact Information and Various Inquiries

For inquiries about this Privacy Policy and various requests based on this Privacy Policy and the Personal Information Protection Act, please contact us at “niyodoblue-photo@usk-ad.com.”