対訳 SECリリース、Gary Gensler氏によるツイート・ビデオ:Krakenが無登録でステーキングサービスを提供・販売したことを起訴した件 - niwatakoのはてなブログ

対訳 SECリリース、Gary Gensler氏によるツイート・ビデオ:Krakenが無登録でステーキングサービスを提供・販売したことを起訴した件




What does stake have to do with our securities laws? That's S-T-A-K-E not STEAK.


In the crypto markets, there are various ways to validate data stored on crypto ledgers, called blockchains. And one of these ways is called staking. Investors lock up their tokens in escrow and help validate the next block of data.


Some stakers are then rewarded with new tokens. Staking, though, can be complicated and time-consuming and can take big upfront commitments of tokens.


There's also the risk that you won't get new tokens even if you stake. Thus, crypto entrepreneurs started offering what's called staking as a service. No, not like the steak house.


Basically, if you transfer your tokens to a staking as a service provider, they take control, possibly pooling your tokens with thousands or millions of others while promoting returns.


But here's the rub: When a company or platform offers you, these kinds of returns, whether they call their services "lending," "earn," "rewards," "APY" or "staking" -- that relationship should come with the protections of the federal securities laws.


That means you, the investor, should receive important disclosures. For example, what do they actually do with your tokens? Are they really staking them? Are they lending, borrowing or trading with them? Are they co-mingling them with their other businesses? Where do the rewards come from? Are you getting your fair share?


Are the underlying crypto protocols genuinely creating value on your investment? Or are they just new tokens that dilute the value of ones you already have? Remember, if you have a steak -- that's S-T-E-A-K. If you have a steak meant for two, and cut it into three pieces, it's still the same amount of steak.


Unfortunately, because the staking as a service providers generally are not providing proper disclosures, there's currently no reliable way as an investor to know the answers to these important investment questions.


Plus, when you sign on the dotted line or accept the terms of service, you are generally agreeing that placing your tokens with these providers may mean transferring your ownership to them.


There's an expression in crypto, not your keys, not your crypto. You see, you're basically an investor in their platform. If it goes under, and we've seen plenty of that recently, you end up in line in the bankruptcy court. That's why it's so important that these companies and platforms comply with the securities law. After all, the securities laws, regardless of what you think of steak, or staking, they're good for investors.

クリプトには、not your keys, not your cryptoという表現があります。つまり、あなたは基本的に彼らのプラットフォームへの投資家なのです。もし、その会社が倒産したら(私たちは最近そのようなケースをたくさん見てきましたが)、あなたは破産裁判所の列に並ぶことになります。だから、こうした企業やプラットフォームが証券取引法を遵守することはとても重要なのです。結局のところ、証券取引法は、あなたがステーキングやステーキングをどう思うかは別として、投資家にとって良いものなのです。

Kraken to Discontinue Unregistered Offer and Sale of Crypto Asset Staking-As-A-Service Program and Pay $30 Million to Settle SEC Charges



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (通常配信 ※報道解禁時間の指定なし)

Release No. 2023-25

Washington D.C., Feb. 9, 2023 —


The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged Payward Ventures, Inc. and Payward Trading Ltd., both commonly known as Kraken, with failing to register the offer and sale of their crypto asset staking-as-a-service program, whereby investors transfer crypto assets to Kraken for staking in exchange for advertised annual investment returns of as much as 21 percent.

証券取引委員会は本日、投資家が暗号資産をクラーケンに転送し、その対価としてステークを行うという、年間21%もの投資リターンを宣伝する暗号資産ステーキング・サービス・プログラムの提供および販売を登録しなかったとして、Payward Ventures, Inc.とPayward Trading Ltd.(通称Kraken)を起訴しました。

To settle the SEC’s charges, the two Kraken entities agreed to immediately cease offering or selling securities through crypto asset staking services or staking programs and pay $30 million in disgorgement, prejudgment interest, and civil penalties.

SECの告発を和解するために、Krakenの2つの事業体は、暗号資産ステーキングサービスまたはステーキングプログラムによる証券の提供または販売を直ちに停止し、3,000万ドルの不正利得の吐き出し(disgorgement)、行為時点から和解時までの利息(prejudgment interest)、民事制裁金の支払いに同意しました。

According to the SEC’s complaint, since 2019, Kraken has offered and sold its crypto asset “staking services” to the general public, whereby Kraken pools certain crypto assets transferred by investors and stakes them on behalf of those investors. Staking is a process in which investors lock up – or “stake” – their crypto tokens with a blockchain validator with the goal of being rewarded with new tokens when their staked crypto tokens become part of the process for validating data for the blockchain. When investors provide tokens to staking-as-a-service providers, they lose control of those tokens and take on risks associated with those platforms, with very little protection. The complaint alleges that Kraken touts that its staking investment program offers an easy-to-use platform and benefits that derive from Kraken’s efforts on behalf of investors, including Kraken’s strategies to obtain regular investment returns and payouts


“Whether it’s through staking-as-a-service, lending, or other means, crypto intermediaries, when offering investment contracts in exchange for investors’ tokens, need to provide the proper disclosures and safeguards required by our securities laws,” said SEC Chair Gary Gensler. “Today’s action should make clear to the marketplace that staking-as-a-service providers must register and provide full, fair, and truthful disclosure and investor protection.”

「スターキングサービス、レンディング、その他の手段を問わず、暗号資産の仲介者は、投資家のトークンと引き換えに投資契約を提供する場合、我々の証券法が求める適切な開示と保護措置を提供する必要があります」とSEC議長のGary Genslerは述べています。"本日の措置は、スターキングサービスプロバイダーが登録し、完全で、公正、かつ真正な開示と投資家保護を提供しなければならないことを市場に明確にするものです。"

“In case after case, we’ve seen the consequences when individuals and businesses tout and offer crypto investments outside of the protections provided by the federal securities laws: investors lack the disclosures they deserve and are harmed when they don’t receive them,” said Gurbir S. Grewal, Director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement. “Today, we take another step in protecting retail investors by shutting down this unregistered crypto staking program, through which Kraken not only offered investors outsized returns untethered to any economic realities, but also retained the right to pay them no returns at all. All the while, it provided them zero insight into, among other things, its financial condition and whether it even had the means of paying the marketed returns in the first place.”

「個人と企業が連邦証券法によって提供される保護の外で暗号投資を宣伝し提供する場合の結果を、私たちは次々と見てきました:投資家は、本来受けるべき情報開示がなく、それを受けられなかったときに損害を受けます。」と、SECの執行部門ディレクターであるGurbir S. Grewalは言います。「本日、我々はこの無登録の暗号資産ステーキングプログラムを停止することで、個人投資家を保護するための新たな一歩を踏み出しました。このプログラムを通じて、Krakenは投資家に経済実態に結びつかない桁外れのリターンを提供しただけでなく、全くリターンを支払わない権利も留保していたのです。その間、特にKrakenの財務状況や、そもそも宣伝されたリターンを支払う手段を持っているかどうかについて、投資家に全く洞察を与えていませんでした。」

In addition to ceasing the staking program and the monetary relief, Payward Ventures, Inc. and Payward Trading, Ltd, without admitting or denying the allegations in the SEC’s complaint, consented to the entry of a final judgment, subject to court approval, that would permanently enjoin each of them from violating Section 5 of the Securities Act of 1933 and permanently enjoin them and any entity they control from, directly or indirectly, offering or selling securities through crypto asset staking services or staking programs.

ステーキングプログラムの中止と金銭的救済に加え、Payward Ventures, Inc.とPayward Trading, Ltd.は、SECの訴状の申し立てを認めることも否定することもなく、裁判所の承認を条件として、それぞれの1933年証券法第5条に違反することを永久に禁止し、彼らおよび彼らが支配する事業体が直接または間接的に、暗号資産のステーキングサービスまたはステーキングプログラムを通じて証券を提供または販売することを永久に禁止する終局判決(final judgment: ある審級で訴訟係属を終結させる判決を指し、確定判決(上訴できない状態の判決)であるかどうかはこの表現からは不明)の登録に同意しています。

The SEC’s investigation was conducted by Laura D’Allaird and Elizabeth Goody, under the supervision of Paul Kim, Jorge G. Tenreiro, and David Hirsch, with assistance from Sachin Verma, Eugene Hansen, and James Connor.

SECの調査は、Paul Kim、Jorge G. Tenreiro、David Hirschの監督のもと、Laura D'AllairdとElizabeth Goodyが行い、Sachin Verma、Eugene Hansen、James Connorが支援しました。