CEUR-WS.org/Vol-317 - Proceedings ECTEL'07 - WWWrong
[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-317

© 2007 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. Re-publication of material from this volume requires permission by the copyright owners.

Exchanging Experiences in Technology Enhanced Learning - What Went Wrong? What Went Right?

Proceedings of the Workshop on Exchanging Experiences in Technology Enhanced Learning - What Went Wrong? What Went Right?

Sissi, Lassithi - Crete Greece, 17 September, 2007.

Edited by

Hugh Davis*, Erik Duval**, Brandon Muramatsu***, Su White*, and Frans Van Assche****

* University of Southampton, UK
** Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium & ARIADNE Foundation
*** Utah State University, USA
**** European Schoolnet

Table of Contents

  1. Experiences of Technology Enhanced Learning: What Went Wrong?
    Su White and Hugh C Davis
  2. Learning from the past: TEL implementation 1997 and 2007
    Stephen Brown
  3. Distilling lessons from across different types of e-learning interventions
    Gráinne Conole
  4. What went wrong: A programme manager's perspective
    Tom Franklin
  5. CAMEL: Taking the Technology Enhanced Learning journey without reinventing the wheel
    Gill Ferrell
  6. Community, Conversation and Collaboration: Experiences gained through working on postgraduate online distance education programmes
    Aisha Walker and Maggie McPherson
  7. The Demise of eAssessment Interoperability?
    Niall Sclater

submitted by Frans Van Assche, 15-Jan-2008
published on CEUR-WS.org, 16-Jan-2008
changed on 4-Feb-2008 by Frans Van Assche (corrected a link)