CEUR-WS.org/Vol-1661 - Workshop on Probabilistic Logic Programming 2016

PLP 2016
Probabilistic Logic Programming

Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Probabilistic Logic Programming
co-located with 26th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP 2016)

London, UK, September 3, 2016.

Edited by

Arjen Hommersom *, **
Samer Abdallah ***

* Open University of the Netherlands, Department of Computer Science, Heerlen, The Netherlands
** Radboud University Nijmegen, Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
*** Jukedeck Ltd., London, UK

Table of Contents

Invited Talks

Accepted Papers

2016-08-12: submitted by Arjen Hommersom, metadata incl. bibliographic data published under Creative Commons CC0
2016-08-12: published on CEUR-WS.org |valid HTML5|