Certification process
Some documents are first reviewed and certified by the ChinaChamber of International Commerce and local notary offices. Thechamber of commerce and the notary office review the seals orsignatures on the business materials. After the review, theinternational chamber of commerce and the notary office will issuea certificate (see sample in this site) or notarization/ Thecertificate (see the sample in this site), and the certificate hasthe signature of the notary and the seal of the InternationalChamber of Commerce and the notary office.
Step 2
Send the document with the signature of the notary of theInternational Chamber of Commerce or Notary Office to the ConsularDepartment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The consulardepartment certifies the seal and signature of the Chamber ofCommerce and the Notary Office. The authorized document is signedby the authorized person of the Consular Department of the Ministryof Foreign Affairs. (Remarks: If the document does not need to besent to the embassy for authentication, then the authentication iscompleted at this step, which is called the Ministry of ForeignAffairs single authentication, and some country parts of thedocument office-the Ministry of Foreign Affairs singleauthentication can be used)
Step 3
After the documents are authenticated by the Consular Departmentof the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they are sent to the embassiesor consulates of various countries for certification, and theembassies of the countries certify the seal and signature of theConsular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (Here it iscalled embassy double certification)
Step 4 After the embassy certification is completed, it will bereversed in the order listed above. To certified customers.
2、不属于上述1的其他文件,如商业合同、协议书、委托 代理证/书、授权书、营业执照、公司章程、银行资本证明以及业务证明等(须经中国贸促会做成证明书,交外交部和驻华 使馆办-理领事认证)。