AI - Email Marketing Software That Works For You | Emma Email Marketing & Automation

Banish Writer’s Block with AI Assistant

Create and deliver more email campaigns in less time.

Develop more content faster without sacrificing brand consistency.

Creating content from scratch can feel overwhelming and very time-consuming.

By just plugging in a few sentences into a prompt, you’ll be able to create more of the email content that your audience loves.

Say goodbye to writer’s block

Alleviate the need to spend all day trying to craft the perfect message.

Streamline your creation process

Send more campaigns in less time and without exhausting team bandwidth.

Simplify complex ideas

Write or rewrite existing content and adjust the tone or length to your liking.

Do more with less

Creating content from scratch can feel overwhelming and very time-consuming.

AI Assistant was built for busy, non-technical marketers that want a intuitive solution that is easy-to-use. With our tool, you can spend less time hopping between platforms & access all of your efforts from one central location.

Revolutionize the way you connect with your subscribers

Get better results with every send.

Take control of your message by using our tool to adjust text for formality, tone, and length with a few clicks.

Ease your workflow

Get your emails out faster.

As marketers, we know you are responsible for more than just email. Our built-in functionality will fix spelling and grammar errors more quickly so that you can alleviate the need for additional peer reviews.

Create content faster with AI Assistant

Creating more brand-friendly content from scratch just became a little bit easier. Get started today!