Anti-Spam Filtering Service - Email Security By MXGuarddog

How it works

Email Flow

Stop All Email Threats

Your incoming mail is directed to our global network of spam fighting data centers.

We scan your email for spam, phishing attacks, malware and viruses. All offending mail is held in secure quarantine in our network. Your users can receive a quarantine report containing recently stopped messages, or view quarantined messages online in real-time.

Clean mail is automatically forwarded to your server for delivery.

MX Guarddog offers complete email security, with no software to install and no changes on your email clients. Our hosted service protects your email against:

  • Spam
  • Computer viruses
  • Malware
  • Phishing emails
  • Spoofed undeliverable notices
  • Denial of Service Attacks (DoS)
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Secure Email Communication

email encryption

Strong encryption ensures that your sensitive email is protected as it travels over the Internet. MX Guarddog uses the highest levels of Transport Layer Security (TLS) based encryption, including Perfect Forward Security (PFS) to ensure your secure email remains secure.

  • 100% TransparentQuarantine Reports

    We send quarantine reports to every user at your domain with a summary of spam stopped from reaching their mailbox. Users can adjust their own quarantine report preferences.

  • Free TrialFirst Month Free

    No credit card required, no contract and no sales calls. Try our service for free, then keep it free forever.

  • Account SyncAD, LDAP & cPanel

    Automatically sync your active email addresses from Windows AD, LDAP or cPanel systems and prevent dictionary attacks from reaching your network.

  • Outage Protect168 Hour Spooling

    If your server is unavailable, we will spool your mail. Once you're back online your mail gets delivered automatically.

Why Choose Us

MX Guarddog has been in operation since 2006, securing your email is our primary objective. We employ the latest technologies in spam protection, anti-virus, anti-malware, anti-phishing and encryption to ensure your email is safe and spam free.

  • Instant Activation
  • Unlimited Messages
  • Geographic Redundancy
  • Catch-all Support
  • 99.95% SLA
  • Quarantine Reports
  • No Contract Lock-in
  • Message Encryption
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What Our Customers Say

Joe Apple Testimonial Joe Apple - USA Travis Charest Gallery I used to spend twenty minutes a day looking through spam.
After switching to MX Guarddog my mailbox is clean, your system really works well, I could not be happier.
Thanks guys!

Justin Testimonial Justin B - USAOwner, JBH Limo After struggling with trying to find an external mail filtering service which is affordable for a small business, your service has been the only one that has delivered!

Allan Testimonial Allan N - UKIT Consultant We deployed MX Guarddog for five clients plus our own Exchange server. Out of the box with it works brilliantly, the quarantine emails are great for our users. This system outperforms many commercial spam filters we have sold.

Dave Coopey Dave Coopey - UK Owner, Photokids I am a freelance IT Technical Project Manager ... Your service has changed the way we have to deal with emails ... Many many thanks for your service, I would not want to be without it ...

Jakz Testimonial Jay MacPherson - CanadaJakz Kick Spamassassin's Ass! Thank you for offering such a needed service, I love it!

Cassio Testimonial Cassio F - BrazilIT Consultant The reliability of MX guard dog is amazing, I never have to worry about spam or viruses slipping through into my networks. Hands-down the best spam filtering service out there.