《偶然黄昏见》由乐队主唱陈恒冠担任制作人,乐队吉他手担任录音及混音师,乐队成员参与编曲,历时一年余,倾心制作。作为棱镜的首张真正意义上的专辑,它囊括乐队组建以来的共十首作品,希望偶然某个黄昏,你听到这里的某一首歌,在某一刻偶然打到你,于是我们一年的心血如愿。 谨此感谢:词作人李韬在美留学期间写就的几首歌词作品,让这张专辑有了些许态度;1019Studio老板周成的支持,录音工作得以随时开展;乐队吉他手陈恒家兢兢业业的录音、编曲、及混音工作,让这首专辑少了很多弯路,在一年这么相对快的速度和乐迷朋友见面;乐队成员龚培超(主音吉他)、严旭(贝斯)、刘杰(鼓手)、张杰(鼓手)以及棱镜前乐队成员杨显军(前贝斯)、赵鑫隆(前鼓手)、,刘恒丰(前吉他)为有些作品奉献的精彩段落;小狗签签及我的朋友克林参与录制的有趣采样;经纪人1991与她的统筹监制工...(展开全部) 《偶然黄昏见》由乐队主唱陈恒冠担任制作人,乐队吉他手担任录音及混音师,乐队成员参与编曲,历时一年余,倾心制作。作为棱镜的首张真正意义上的专辑,它囊括乐队组建以来的共十首作品,希望偶然某个黄昏,你听到这里的某一首歌,在某一刻偶然打到你,于是我们一年的心血如愿。 谨此感谢:词作人李韬在美留学期间写就的几首歌词作品,让这张专辑有了些许态度;1019Studio老板周成的支持,录音工作得以随时开展;乐队吉他手陈恒家兢兢业业的录音、编曲、及混音工作,让这首专辑少了很多弯路,在一年这么相对快的速度和乐迷朋友见面;乐队成员龚培超(主音吉他)、严旭(贝斯)、刘杰(鼓手)、张杰(鼓手)以及棱镜前乐队成员杨显军(前贝斯)、赵鑫隆(前鼓手)、,刘恒丰(前吉他)为有些作品奉献的精彩段落;小狗签签及我的朋友克林参与录制的有趣采样;经纪人1991与她的统筹监制工作。 ————陈恒冠 "Unexpected Twilight" was performed by the band's lead singer Chen Hengguan. The band's guitarist worked as a recording and mixer and the band members took part in the arranger. As the prism's first true album, it includes a total of ten works since the band was formed. I hope that by chance some evening, you hear one of the songs here, and accidentally hit you at a certain moment. So we were one year old. The heartfelt wishes. I would like to express my gratitude for the few lyric works written by the lyric poet Li Ye during his studies in the United States, which gave the album a slight attitude. With the support of 1019 Studio boss Zhou Cheng, the recording work can be carried out at any time; the band guitarist Chen Hengjia’s professional recording , arranger, and remix work, so that this album a lot less detours, in a year so fast relatives and fans to meet friends; band members Gong Pei-chao (vocals guitar), Yan Xu (Bass), Liu Jie (drummer ), Zhang Jie (drums) and former members of Prism Yang Xianjun (former Bass), Zhao Xinlong (former drummer), Liu Hengfeng (former guitar) dedicate some wonderful works to Some songs; tThe puppy qianqian and my friend Klin is involved in recording Interesting sampling; broker 1991 with her whole the supervision. ———— Chen Hengguan
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