In China, it is said that each and every month in the lunar calendar has a representative flower which blooms in that particular month, and a beautiful lady or talented poet is revered as an associated flower deity.
The music of this album describes the beauty and unique quality of the six most well-loved flowers as well as flower gods and goddesses (from the 1...(展开全部) In China, it is said that each and every month in the lunar calendar has a representative flower which blooms in that particular month, and a beautiful lady or talented poet is revered as an associated flower deity.
The music of this album describes the beauty and unique quality of the six most well-loved flowers as well as flower gods and goddesses (from the 1st lunar month to the 6th lunar month.) There is a special melody composed for each of these beautiful creatures. These soft and easy-to-listen tunes all feature traditional musical instruments such as the guzheng, di, erhu, and paixiao.
0 有用 喷农药 2009-05-18 09:02:44
掬水月在手, 弄花香满衣. <正月梅花--寿阳公主>, <二月杏花--杨贵妃>.
0 有用 蓬蓬 2005-11-26 11:02:06
0 有用 caryn 2006-05-02 02:11:37
1 有用 对抗拖延 2010-05-07 18:27:02
0 有用 微子 2011-10-28 04:07:40
0 有用 流年纷菲 2021-04-05 13:54:04
#2021.083# 20210404开听并听完。
0 有用 荏苒在衣 2024-08-21 12:02:34 四川
0 有用 May 2024-08-24 12:08:23 四川
1 有用 honeydq 2020-02-25 01:26:54
《花神》为十二月令花和花神而作,每个月有每个月的旋律和风格,典型的New Age音乐形式。24年前发行的唱片,有点小众,有幸听到,相见恨晚。这种美妙体验实属难得,上一次是上学期期中,独自在柴可夫斯基音乐学院音乐厅欣赏揉进现代元素的中国民乐宏大主题首演,感受新纪元音乐之美。 二月是杏花,花神杨贵妃,沾衣欲湿杏花雨, 吹面不寒杨柳风。今天恰好下了一整天的雨,古筝笛子是穿越时空的澄撤和空灵,流淌在湿润的... 《花神》为十二月令花和花神而作,每个月有每个月的旋律和风格,典型的New Age音乐形式。24年前发行的唱片,有点小众,有幸听到,相见恨晚。这种美妙体验实属难得,上一次是上学期期中,独自在柴可夫斯基音乐学院音乐厅欣赏揉进现代元素的中国民乐宏大主题首演,感受新纪元音乐之美。 二月是杏花,花神杨贵妃,沾衣欲湿杏花雨, 吹面不寒杨柳风。今天恰好下了一整天的雨,古筝笛子是穿越时空的澄撤和空灵,流淌在湿润的空气中。花落无声又掷地有声,令人愉悦的忧伤和令人忧伤的愉悦,似乎都触手可及,又在乐章结束时戛然而之。 (展开)
0 有用 最幻想 2024-11-29 10:32:14 上海