MarCom - MTT-S


MTT-S MarCom Vision and Mission

The primary mission of the MTT-S MarCom is to enhance the professional visibility and recognition of the Society and the value of MHz-to-THz RF sciences and technologies to the engineering profession, advertisers/ sponsors, MTT-S membership and to the IEEE/RF Community and the public in general.

To this end, the MarCom performs the following roles for the society:

  • Make MTT-S invaluable to young professionals, practitioners, businesses and especially other IEEE Societies and organizations.
  • Expand awareness and recognition of the value of MHz-to-THz RF technology to the public in general.
  • Enhance the awareness of the value of the MTT-S to industry, advertisers, and sponsors.
  • Expand our online presence.
  • Enable and launch an IEEE MTT-S Resource Center and IEEE Learning Center for MTT-S content offerings.
  • Develop industry partnerships and business strategies for effective Microwave Magazine print and digital advertising, webinars, e-newsletter and white papers.

MarCom Committee Activities

MarCom plans to accomplish it goals with the following initiatives and actions:

  • Standardize and enhance the MTT-S brand and identity.
  • Continuously improve and expand MTT-S-branded online content.
  • Develop effective industry partnership models for sponsorship of technical content and advertising at International Microwave Symposium (IMS) and other MTT-S international conferences.
  • Reach out to potential supporters, contributors and partners working in multidisciplinary fields through mutual sponsorship, booth sharing, website access and inter-society agreements.

Promotional Videos

1. Visit
2. Click on You Tube button on the video to be downloaded
3. Copy paste URL from YouTube
4. Visit You Tube Downloader (
5. Paste the link to You Tube video and hit download button





MTT-S advertising

MTT-S advertising