NHP Mapviewer

Switch Task Reset Map Clear Polys

Each "Task" includes specific Tools, Map Layers, and Functions related to that task.


Use the Switch Task button above
to see task-specific tools

Map Layers

Search for Location

Choose a layer then use options below

Clear Options:


decimal degrees




degrees   minutes (0 to 59.99)


degrees   minutes  seconds



North Dakota Counties

South Dakota Counties


North Dakota


South Dakota


County Feature Name Type

Start typing HUC Code
or Watershed Name

Charts and Data
  • Map Title and Filters
    NHP Map Viewer
    Reports based on Visible Map Extent
Pan North Pan South Pan West Pan East Full Extent

Welcome to our Map Viewer!

Some new features:

If you notice a bug, please send me an email

There is citation info at the bottom of all the Printable Reports, but if you use screen shots or other data directly from the Map Viewer, please use the following Citation:

Natural Heritage Map Viewer.  Montana Natural Heritage Program.
Retrieved on Month day, Year, from http://mtnhp.org/MapViewer/

Map Viewer is misbehaving at the moment.

The link between some of our data layers and their map symbols got scrambled.

I'm reconnecting things and will get things running as quickly as I can.

This message will self-destruct when things are back to normal!

Friday, March 22, 2015

2:45pm -- Almost there...

3:45pm -- Waiting on an index to rebuild...

- Dave Ratz

Click the map to submit your Animal Observations