Wikipedija:Bot/Rikjesti għall-approvazzjoni - Wikipedija Aqbeż għall-kontentut

Wikipedija:Bot/Rikjesti għall-approvazzjoni

Minn Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija l-ħielsa

Qabel ma tibda l-proċess għall-approvazzjoni ta' bot, aqra, jekk jogħġbok, il-politika uffiċjali dwar il-bots.
Before starting the approval process make sure you read the bot policy.

Rikjesti attwali għall-approvazzjoni

[immodifika s-sors]

xogħlijietkontribgħaddSULreġistritmexxija ta' paġniimblokkablokkidrittijietbandiera

Operatur: Harej (d)

Awtomatiku jew assistit manwalment: Awtomatiku

Lingwa(i) tal-iprogrammar: PHP

Deskrizzjoni qasira tal-funzjoni: Fixes broken external links and adds links to offline resources like books and articles.

Perjodu ta' editjar (eż. Bla waqfien, kuljum, ta' darba): continuous

Rata tal-editjar rikjesta: About 1 per second

Diġà għandu bandiera tal-bot (Iva/Le): Le

Dettalji tal-funzjonijiet: InternetArchiveBot is an advanced bot that fixes broken external links by adding links to archived versions. The bot is highly customizable and can be configured to support different web archive, citation, and dead link templates. The bot also links to digitized previews of resources like books and journal articles. Harej (d) 21:40, 6 Ottubru 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]


[immodifika s-sors]

Dan huwa bot tassew utli minn utent stabbilit u rispettat. Il-parir tiegħi bħala amministratur/burokrata stabbilit tal-Wikipedija bil-Malti hija li nħaddnu dan il-bot fuq dan il-wiki. Jekk/meta niġu biex nivvotaw jiena żgur li se nivvota iva għalih. --ToniSant (d) 11:06, 7 Ottubru 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]

ToniSant, it has been one month, please let me know if you are ready to approve. Pinging the other bureaucrats as well Leli Forte and Chrisportelli. Harej (d) 22:23, 15 Novembru 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]
@Harej: as far as I'm concerned, we can go ahead. I don't think the other bureaucrats will object, otherwise they would have voiced their opinion already since, as you rightly ooint out, it's been more than one month since your note. Thanks! -- ToniSant (d) 12:03, 16 Novembru 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]
ToniSant need anything else from me before proceeding? Harej (d) 23:40, 30 Novembru 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]
@Harej: could we ask that you please be mindful that mt.wikipedia is administered by a very small user group, so we would appreciate it greatly if you would keep an eye on your bot in case in misbehaves. Otherwise, thank you very much for bringing your wonderful bot to the Maltese Wikipedia! -- ToniSant (d) 11:40, 17 Diċembru 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Bots fi żmien ta' prova

[immodifika s-sors]

Rikjesti approvati

[immodifika s-sors]

Rikjesti bla suċċess

[immodifika s-sors]