Dog Wear Handmade Video Guide
Exclusive to those who purchase our recipes (Instruction manual), our video guide breaks down each step for you.
(Note: Step 01 doesn’t have a video as it simply lists the required materials.)
(1) Select “Movie” from the menu bar or input the URL from the top page of the recipe (Instruction manual) you’ve purchased into any web browser (e.g., Chrome).
(2) Once on the “Dog Wear Handmade Video Guide” page, click the product name listed in the sidebar.
(3) To view the video, you’ll need a password. This can be found on the top page of your recipe (Instruction manual). Note that each product’s video has its unique password, so access is limited to the videos of the recipes you’ve bought.
(4) To play, click the start button (red circle) beneath the video thumbnail. Use the toolbar to pause or resume the video as needed.