
C: Charles always said you hid your sense of duty behind your cynicism
L: Ho, if she keeps talking, fucking shoot me
C: see? you’re proving his point. Which is that you don’t want people to see the decent side of you because it make you feel vulnerable
L: Just get in the car
C: Charles thought you were better than him
L: Yeah, I was
C: Well, he thought you were better than everyone. Actually he said you could be First Desk. I wonder what he’d think of you now
L: Why should I give a fuck what Charles thought of me then or now?
C: Because he was an honorable man
L: He was, was he? You were his fucking secretary, what would you know?
C: Everything
L: Trust me, not everything
C: I know that unlike you, he respected me. He showed me friendship. He believed in me and he kept me on when anyone else would have thrown me to the wolves
L: Christ, you really do pick ‘em, don’t you? You wanna know the truth? Your hero, Charles Partner, was a fucking traitor
C: What are you talking about?
L: Not even an ideological one. I could almost respect that. But he spent the last ten years of his life selling secrets to the fucking Russians. That was your hero, your oh-so-faithful friend. And you know why he kept you on? He kept you on precisely because you’re a drunk. Couldn’t have anyone at his side alert enough, together enough to pick up on what he was doing. No, he knew he could rely on you to take life one day at a time and never see beyond the given moment
C: I don’t believe you
L: Yeah, you do. And you know the kicker? He laid a trial to make it look like you were doing the dirty. He wasn’t saving you. He was fucking using you
C: you’re lying
L: Does it sound like a lie, or maybe something you’ve known all along and never had the courage to admit to yourself?
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