Launches job search website “Find Job!”
* This service was terminated on September 30, 2023.
Officially launches the social network “mixi”
Lists on the Mothers section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Officially launches “Monster Strike”
Officially launches “minimo”
Officially launches “FamilyAlbum”
Acquires “Chariloto Co., Ltd.”, “SFIDANTE Inc.”, “Chiba Jets Funabashi Co., Ltd.”, and “NetDreamers Co., Ltd.”
Acquires the mobile game Kotodaman
Listing changes to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Launches TIPSTAR
Launches netkeirin
Launches Fansta
Acquires “Tokyo Football Club Co., Ltd.”, operator of the J.League football club FC Tokyo
Acquires “Lovegraph Inc.”
Transitioned to the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange