Wikimedia+Education Conference 2019/Programme - Meta Jump to content

Wikimedia+Education Conference 2019/Programme

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5-7 April 2019 | San Sebastián (Q10313) - Basque Country

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     Keynotes      Presentations      Workshop      Lightning talks      Panels      Poster session

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April 4th, Thursday


12:30: Chatting with African Wikimedians @ Humanitate eta Hezkuntza Zientzien Fakultatea (Q12259268)

April 5th, Friday

15:00 - 17:30 Registration @ Tabakalera (Q9081343), 4th Floor, Kutxa Kultur
18:00 Registration @ Donostia-San Sebastián City Council (Q2651835)
18:45 Opening ceremony @ Donostia-San Sebastián City Council (Q2651835)
19:30 Keynote: Mary Burns @ Donostia-San Sebastián City Council (Q2651835)
20:30 Notes and dinner
  • After dinner: take a drink with us @ Convent Garden Pub

April 6th, Saturday


Everything will happen at Tabakalera, 4th floor, Kutxa Kultur

Registration will be open from 9:00

9:30 Keynote: Katherine Maher at Plaza
Room 01-02-03 - Elbira Zipitria Room Ruiz Balerdi Room 05 Room 04 Plaza
10:30 Challenges of growing communities : Make Wikipedia trustworthy to the educators Bridging knowledge gaps through mother language instruction using Wikimedia projects Knowledge Equity: Wikimedia 2030 strategy - a case sharing and a case study City University of New York Translatathon 2019. Join us and edit! Local discussion: What we are doing in schools and what we can do.
11:00 Idazlezainak: writers guards
11:30 Break
12:00 Article evaluation: Valoración y seguimiento de los aprendizajes en la edición de artículos de Wikipedia: talleres para conocer el uso del tablero y la rúbrica A qualitative study on the use of Wikipedia as a way to understand the perception of secondary school students about citizenship. WEP in Egypt (2012-2018) WikiEmakumeok: reducing the gender gap, empowering editors
12:30 Creating a didactical unit about Wikipedia for secondary teachers Applying new editor experiences research to taiwanese students via face to face interview Three Years of Wikipedia at Maynooth University Open for informal meetings
13:00 A national contest about Wikipédia for the highschool students : Wikiconcours lycéen Wiki way of profound knowledge Wikipédia Menyang Sekolah – A Wikimedia Indonesia’s pilot project on Education
13:30 Lunch
14:30 Teaching the teachers in Serbia Evolution of student editions Wikipedia at the University, Wikimedia Argentina Project Use of Vikidia and Wikiversity, Wikibooks and Wikivoyage in the middle school Learn more about the Wikimedia & Education Greenhouse

(informal meeting)

15:00 Educating educators online Dispelling the Stigma: Wikipedia in Egyptian Universities & Libraries Basque Education Program: what have we done so far
15:30 Wiki-Bridges Mooc: Bridges between school, digital and free culture Wikipedia education program at Hashemite university in Jordan Eduwiki and the Amical way: a volunteer-driven model
16:00 Break
16:30 Translating Wikipedia as an educational tool WikiFridays at Maimónides University (Buenos Aires). Learning and sharing knowledge with Wikipedia, Wikicommons and Wikidata projects. Wikipedia as a tool for developing academic literacies: The case of Estonia How to scale your education program while keeping a focus on equity
17:00 Lightning talks about Wikimedia+Education Wikimedia Commons, the hidden educational powerhouse Wikipedia in Education in Wales
17:30 Secondary students learning, editing and sharing knowledge about Renewable Energies from a Latin American perspective Education program in Thailand and evaluation of Wikipedia medical content
18:00 Txikipedia, Vikidia, Klexikon: Encyclopedias for children at Plaza
19:00 Group photo
19:15 Poster session with snacks at Plaza
21:00 Dinner at Lizeaga cider-house

April 7th, Sunday


Everything will happen at Tabakalera, 4th floor, Kutxa Kultur

9:30 Wikimedia and Education: Strategic discussion at Plaza
Room 01-02-03 - Elbira Zipitria Room Ruiz Balerdi Room 05 Room 04 Plaza
10:30 How to integrate courseware design and instructional tools into class Chatting with African Wikimedians Wiki ambassador: Undercover Wikimedian at university Looking for possible new articles: how to use PetScan Open for informal meetings
11:00 Changing Educational Policies with a Collective Impact How to get subject matter experts to click the edit button
11:30 Break
12:00 Lightning talks about Wikimedia+Education New Dimensions in Wiki Education and Partnerships with AfroCROWD Sexual education on Wikipedia Using the Program & Events Dashboard in an education program
12:30 5 years sharing Kiwix, the off-line Wikipedia reader, in West Africa WikiClubs
13:00 Wikipedia, education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals Learn more about the Wikimedia & Education Greenhouse

(informal meeting)

13:30 Closing ceremony at Plaza and lunch
Afternoon Social event: Join us at Korrika, the largest relay race for a language in the world