WikiConference Nigeria 2024/Scholarship - Meta Jump to content

WikiConference Nigeria 2024/Scholarship

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

12 – 14 September, 2024
Abuja, Nigeria

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WikiConference Nigeria 2024 will be held from September 12–14, 2024, in Abuja, Nigeria. This is the first national conference for Wikimedia volunteers in Nigeria and in the diaspora. The WikiConference Nigeria 2024 Scholarships Program is offering a limited number of scholarships to cover the cost of selected individuals' travel, conference registration fee and accommodation.



Before applying, please read all the information on this page and prepare your answers, especially if your internet connection is slow.

Application has been closed!

Important dates


The anticipated timeline for the WikiConference Nigeria 2024 Scholarship Program is as follows:

  • Scholarship applications open: 1 June 2024 00:00 (GMT+1) Done
  • Deadline for applying for scholarships: 15 June 2024 23:59 (GMT+1) Done
  • Applicants are notified about final decisions: 27 July 2024 23:59 (GMT+1) Done
  • The final list of recipients will be announced:31 July 2024 23:59 (GMT+1) Pending

Questions for application form


The text below lists the questions that you will need to answer in the form. PLEASE DO NOT ANSWER HERE. If you are ready to submit your scholarship application, please fill out the Google form by clicking on the blue button above.

Personal Information


Important notice for applicants:

Completing this scholarship application form for the WikiConference Nigeria 2024 requires thoughtful responses and careful attention to detail. It is estimated that this process may take you approximately 1 hours to complete. Please allocate sufficient time to fill out the form in a thorough and accurate manner.

We strongly recommend that you save your responses in a separate document as you work through the application. This will ensure that your progress is saved and you can review your responses before submitting.

Once you have completed all sections of the form and are satisfied with your responses, you can then transfer your answers into the form and submit your application. Please note that once submitted, you cannot revise your responses. We appreciate your efforts and look forward to reviewing your application.

If you have any questions or inquiries, feel free to reach out to the organizers on or the Meta-wiki talk page.

  1. First name (as it appears on your passport) Required Field
  2. Middle name (as it appears on your passport) If not applicable, leave blank or write "N/A"
  3. Last name (as it appears on your passport) Required Field
  4. Wikimedia Username Required Field, If you don't have one, please write "N/A"
  5. Age Required Field, Only one answer possible
  6. Nationality (as it appears on your passport) Required Field
  7. Country of Residence Required Field
  8. Gender (as it appears on your passport) Required Field
  9. Are you part of a Wikimedia affiliate or group? Required Field, Only one answer possible
  1. If yes, kindly mention your group or affiliate.
  2. Briefly describe your involvement with Wikimedia over the last 12 month (this can include your affiliate activities, online contributions, etc.) Required Field
  3. Do you belong to any other organizations relevant to your participation (e.g., organizations promoting open knowledge, the free software movement)? If so, please state their names.
  4. Which Wikimedia projects do you participate in? Required Field, If not applicable, please write "N/A", Many possible responses
Wikimedia Commons
  1. In what capacity do you contribute to the Wikimedia movement? Required Field, Many possible responses
Online Wikimedia content contributor/editor (e.g., Wikipedia, Commons, Wikidata, etc.)
Affiliate member
Affiliate leader
Wikimedia project/event organizer
Wikimedia Foundation employee
Other Wikimedia entity employee
  1. Year you began contributing to Wikimedia projects Required Field
  2. Have you attended any Wikimedia conferences or events before? Required Field, Only one answer possible
  1. If yes, which Wikimedia events have you attended? Many possible responses
Wikimedia Summit (previously Wikimedia Conference)
International hackathons (Wikimania or Wikimedia Hackathon)
Regional events (e.g., Wiki Indaba, CEE meeting, WikiArabia)
National/local Wikimedia conferences
Meet-ups and events such as edit-a-thons or editing parties, photowalks
Thematic events, such as GLAM Wiki Conference and Diversity Conference
None of the above
  1. In your opinion, what is the purpose of the WikiConference Nigeria? Required Field

  1. Indicate your availability for the WikiConference Nigeria 2024 on the following days: Required Field, Many possible responses
Thursday, September 12
Friday September 13
Saturday, September 14
  1. If you do not receive a scholarship for WikiConference Nigeria 2024, would you consider self-funding your attendance? Required Field, Only one answer possible
Partially (I can take care of my own flights)
  1. Why are you interested in attending the WikiConference Nigeria 2024? Required Field
  2. What skills would you and your community like to gain from this conference? Required Field
  3. How do you plan to contribute during the conference? Required Field
  4. What skills and experiences can you share with the conference participants? Required Field
  5. How did you learn about the Wiki Conference Nigeria 2024 scholarship application? Required Field, Only one answer possible
Mailing lists
A friend
Instant messaging groups (WhatsApp, Telegram..)
  1. How will you share your learnings with your community? Required Field
  2. What are your expectations from this conference? Required Field
  3. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding the application process or the conference, please feel free to share. We value your feedback.

Privacy Statement

  1. By submitting this form, you agree to the following: If awarded a scholarship, you commit to actively participate in the event, attend sessions, and share your learnings with your community upon the event's completion in the form of a mandatory written report. You also accept responsibility for arranging your own travel insurance and visa process (if applicable). Required Field
I agree
  1. All information contained in this application will be reviewed by the Wiki Conference Nigeria 2024 Scholarship Subcommittee. All personal information will be held in strict confidence by the Committee. Applicant Rights & Consent to Data Processing By applying for a WikiConference scholarship, you acknowledge and consent to the following: Your personal data submitted via this form may be accessed, reviewed, collected, stored, used, communicated, archived, destroyed or otherwise processed by the Scholarship Subcommittee. You may, at any point, request in writing that your data be destroyed or retained as required by law. Required Field
I consent