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Сæйраг фарс

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
(Redirected from Сæйраг фарс)
This page is a translated version of the page Main Page and the translation is 100% complete.


Æгас цу Мета-Викимæ, кæцы у Фонд „Викимедиа“-йы проектты дунеон æхсæнады сайт. Мета-Викийы ныхас цæуы куыд координаци æмæ документацийыл, афтæ пълантæ æмæ фидæныл дæр.

Æндæр мета-æздæхт викитæ, куыд, зæгъæм, Wikimedia Outreach сты сæрмагонд викитæ æмæ рахицæн сты Мета-Викийæ. Ацы куыстимæ баст ныхас ма цæуы фыстæгуарæнты (зæгъæм wikimedia-l, йæ рог эквивалент WikimediaAnnounce-имæ), Libera-ы IRC-каналты, „Викимедиа“-йы змæлдимæ баст организацитæ æмæ баиугæндты сайттыл дæр æмæ ма æндæр бынæтты.

Цытæ цæуы

Ноябрь 2024

November 13: 2024 committee appointments round: Conversation hour #4 at 16:00 – 17:00 UTC
November 13: 2024 committee appointments round: Conversation hour #3 at 03:00 – 04:00 UTC

Октябрь 2024

October 23: 2024 committee appointments round: Conversation hour #2 at 15:00 – 16:00 UTC
October 23: 2024 committee appointments round: Conversation hour #1 at 03:00 – 04:00 UTC
October 16–December 2: 2024 committee appointments round: Application period opens for the Ombuds Commission and Case Review Committee
October 16–November 18: 2024 committee appointments round: Application period opens for the Affiliations Committee
October 3 - 6: WikiConference North America 2024 is taking place in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States.

Сентябрь 2024

September 25: Wikis in read-only mode @ 15:00 UTC.
September 20 – 22: Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2024 is taking place in Istanbul, Türkiye
September 3 – 17: Voting period for the Wikimedia Foundation Community- and Affiliate-selected Trustees
September 1 – 30: Wiki Loves Onam 2024, a campaign that aims to capture and celebrate the essence of the vibrant and festive spirit of Onam
September 1 – October 31: Wiki Loves Monuments, the worldwide photo competition for built heritage
September 1 – December 31: SheSaid, an initiative by Wiki Loves Women to add more quotes by notable women to Wikiquote projects in all languages

Август 2024

August 7 – August 10: Wikimania 2024 in Katowice, Poland.
August 29 – September 11: Consultation about API Policy Update 2024, a new draft text of WMF legal policy discussing the use of its APIs.

Июль 2024

July 28: Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network online meeting on Movement Charter results
July 27–August 10: UCoC Coordinating Committee special election: Voting period (voting information / all candidates / link to vote)
July 26: Deadline for in-person Wikimania registrations. Remote participants may sign up anytime.
July 20–August 3: UCoC Coordinating Committee special election: Community questions for candidates period
July 10–July 19: UCoC Coordinating Committee special election: Call for candidates
July 15: The new Community Wishlist is open for new wish submissions. From now on, it will be possible to submit new wishes at any time. The team working on the Wishlist encourages users to submit a wish in their native language.

Июнь 2024

June 25–August 26: 2024 Board election: Pre-onboarding and campaign period
Æхсæнад æмæ ныхас
Фонд „Викимедиа“, Мета-Вики æмæ йæ æрвадæл проекттæ
The Wikimedia Foundation is the overarching non-profit foundation that owns the Wikimedia servers along with the domain names, logos and trademarks of all Wikimedia projects and MediaWiki. Meta-Wiki is the coordination wiki for the various Wikimedia wikis.