Matomo 3.13.5 - Analytics Platform - Matomo

We are proud to announce Matomo 3.13.5: a new release of Matomo Analytics.

What’s new?

In this new release we solve a few more performance issues and improve the overall reliability of Matomo at scale. There are several performance improvements in the archiving process. One recently introduced bug causing fast growth in database size has been fixed, and your database might reduce in size (significantly in some cases) in the hours or days following the upgrade. In the UI, the Segment Editor tool will now suggest segment values from processed reports and will not cause heavy database load anymore (especially an issue for high traffic websites).

In terms of bugs, we fixed a Tracking API bug where the Bulk tracking requests were not tracked in some cases (especially when using Content Tracking feature). In the UI we also fixed a few minor issues: when comparing segments, when opening popovers, or when loading additional visits in visitor profile.

Many new devices were added as well as a few new referrer spammers, to keep your reports as accurate as possible.

We are grateful for all community members who reported feedback and suggestions, our awesome team of translators for their work, and our Premium features customers and Matomo Cloud hosting customers for their amazing support.

72 tickets have been closed by more than 14 contributors!

After You Update

  • Please help us spread the word! Maybe you can write about the project on your blog, website, twitter, talk at conferences or let your friends and colleagues know what is Matomo. Already 1,000,000+ websites are keeping full control of their web analytics with Matomo!
  • Use the forums if you have any question or feedback (free support),
    or purchase a Support Plan to make the most of your Matomo Analytics and get professional support.
  • To improve Matomo in your language consider contributing to translations.
  • You can also support our efforts by purchasing valuable Premium Features for Matomo or try our Matomo Cloud solution.

Database upgrade

Note: This release contains some minor database queries that will run quickly. (The SQL queries are not listed in the upgrader screen.)

Platform Changes

Matomo is an open analytics platform. In an effort to help Matomo developers learn about improvements and changes in the core APIs, we document the changes since the last release. In this release there is a minor new API (event) introduced. Read more in Platform Changelog for Developers to see all changes to the platform and APIs.

New and updated SDKs (Tracking API Clients)

The Matomo team offers official SDKs (Tracking API Clients) for measuring your mobile apps and any other kind of apps.

New and updated guides and FAQs


List of 72 tickets closed in Matomo 3.13.5

We are together creating the best open analytics platform in the world. You can help make Matomo even more awesome by getting involved in Matomo!