Matomo Advanced Form Analytics, Increase Conversions - Try It For Free

Fact - you are losing a high % of your visitors on the forms that lead to conversions.

Thankfully, you can now identify and fix pain points on the forms that are most important to the success of your business with Matomo’s Form Analytics feature.

Learn about Matomo’s Form Analytics feature

So, where are you losing your visitors on your forms? Maybe you have too many fields to fill in which is time consuming, maybe your forms are too complicated, maybe your forms aren’t optimised for mobile devices creating a poor user-experience. Whatever the case may be, you can now start to gain a deeper understanding of where you are losing your visitors.

Measure success

The reality is that online forms can come in thousands of different variations. It’s an area on your website that if not done right, could lead to you missing out on converting a large portion of your visitors.

You also need to know how your forms are performing in real-time and how they evolve over time.

Use the Row Evolution feature to see how conversions, page views, page URLs and other important metrics measure over time to see if the changes you make have a positive or negative effect.

Form Analytics gives you outstanding insights to increase form submission rates, which will help grow your business.


Segments multiply the value you get by letting you divide your market into subsets.

You can segment all Form Analytics reports by over 100 Matomo segments and apply new Form Analytics segments to your existing Matomo reports.

Find the pain points

Rely on facts when you change your forms. Form Analytics will prove whether your form is doing better when you change it and by how much. This lets you consistently increase form submission rates on your website which is crucial to the success of your business.

You will be able to identify which fields are used the most, the least, which are unneeded, which are corrected often, and which fields cause problems. Understand which fields your visitors enter your form, where they drop off and how much time they spend on them.

Easy to set up, easy to use

Just like many other features in Matomo, Form Analytics captures data from every form on your website as soon as you install it, which means no additional tracking needs to be setup to begin.

Integrates with Visitor Profiles

A huge benefit of using Matomo is that it’s both a web analytics and conversion optimization platform so you can view a complete historic visitor profile of any individual user who either starts or submits a form.

This allows you to see the full user journey of anyone who visits your website.

Benefits of choosing Matomo


You are the owner of the data you collect and nobody else. 

Get full control over your data.


Track as many forms on your website as you want.

There are no limitations when using  this feature On-Premise.


Matomo is fully privacy compliant.

With Matomo you remain in control of your data, while still getting deep insights into your websites and apps.

Cost effective

The ROI you can achieve with Form Analytics is huge. Even small improvements can increase your sign-ups, sales and conversions massively. Get the most out of your existing traffic with minimal cost.

Start improving forms on your website now with your 21 day free trial today to use Matomo’s full suite of complete analytics.