Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute - Bodega Marine Laboratory
View from the north

Bodega Marine Laboratory

Bodega Marine Laboratory

The UC Davis Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute's Bodega Marine Laboratory (BML) is a leading research and education facility at the forefront of national marine laboratories in providing science that serves society and informs solutions to complex environmental challenges. For over 50 years, BML’s multidisciplinary research discoveries have advanced ocean and coastal health, and its hand-on educational programs have been training the nation’s next generation of leaders in marine science and policy.

Horseshoe Cove Webcam

The Bodega Ocean Observing Node's live-streamed webcam offers a peek into a living laboratory and outdoor classroom on the UC Davis Bodega Marine Reserve, where the Bodega Marine Laboratory is located.

Watch the Livestream

Perched on the iconic bluffs of Bodega Head, on the Bodega Marine Reserve, BML sits at the epicenter of one of only four coastal upwelling regions in the world – areas of extreme biological productivity – that are rich for research discoveries. The Laboratory is also adjacent to a State Marine Protected Area and two National Marine Sanctuaries, yet only 65 miles from San Francisco Bay, one of the most impacted estuaries in the world. BML offers a front-row seat in which to study the real-time impact of commercial, recreational, and residential activity along the coastline and to assess the effectiveness of current and future marine conservation efforts.

BML is also the core research and educational facility of the UC Davis Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute (CMSI), which links BML with the more than 70 marine science faculty from all across the UC Davis campus. CMSI unites and coordinates the multifaceted community of UC Davis marine researchers, including many from the social sciences arena, so that together they can identify the most effective strategies for sustaining our irreplaceable coastal environment. CMSI expands upon BML’s strong foundation with new programs, including a popular Marine and Coastal Sciences undergraduate major and a new Marine Sciences Ph.D. 

BML's Org Chart