Course Actions | Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Excellence
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University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Course Actions

Departments submit a UHM-1 form to add a new course and a UHM-2 form to modify an existing course.

(See below, “Resources,” to download the form.)

Submission Process and Guidelines for UHM-1 and UHM-2 Forms

The revised guidelines and UHM forms for creating new courses and modifying existing courses are effective Fall 2021. All UHM-1 and UHM-2 forms are submitted electronically to Please create a single pdf file for each course that consists of the appropriate UHM form and syllabus, as well as any additional attachments to be included (e.g., relevant memos, additional justification documents required for new course proposals for Graduate Division-administered programs, etc.). Please ensure that program chairs for cross-listed courses are consulted and all internal reviews (curriculum committee review, etc.) are completed before submitting forms to your dean’s office for review, approval, and submission to the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Excellence (OVPAE). 

Submission Deadlines

Effective Semester:Submission deadlineForms returned bySchedule publishedRegistration begins
SummerOctober 15mid-Februarylate Februaryearly March
FallOctober 15mid-Februarymid-Marchearly April
SpringMarch 15mid-Julylate Octoberearly November

OVPAE maintains the official record for all course actions, but departments are strongly advised to retain a copy of all approved UHM forms and update relevant departmental publications/databases/websites, etc.
