Language Technologies Institute - Language Technologies Institute - School of Computer Science - Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University

The Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon educates the leaders of tomorrow and performs groundbreaking research in the areas of:

Natural Language Processing | Computational Linguistics | Information Extraction | Summarization & Question Answering | Information Retrieval | Text Mining & Analytics | Knowledge Representation | Reasoning & Acquisition | Language Technologies for Education | Machine Learning | Machine Translation | Multimodal Computing and Interaction | Speech Processing | Spoken Interfaces & Dialogue Processing


The LTI offers five graduate degrees in computer science: the Ph.D. in Language and Information Technology, the research-based Master of Language Technologies, and our three professional master's programs – the Master of Science in Intelligent Information Systems, the Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence and Innovation, and the Master of Computational Data Science.

We're looking for the best students to join us.

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The LTI Bill of Rights

Get the right information to the right people at the right time in the right language, the right format, and the right level of detail.

Visit Us

The LTI makes its home inside the Hillman Center for Future Generation Technologies. We're right on campus, but an easy walk from great restaurants, coffee shops, museums and libraries.

Visitor's Guide