Notes from New York  
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Fall 24

Fall went so fast...

We visited Japan together. It has been so long that we visited together

*Early morning LGA, SP in Shinjuku Station, Looking down Kita Kyushu

For the first time, we went to see where my mother grew up and also where my father was stationed during his Navy time. The last time I visited this area was….when I was about 15 years old.

Arrived at Kita Kyushu Airport, took a bus to Kusami, then took Nippo Main Line to Shindenbaru.

*Shindenbaru Station

I remember this name from my mother. So I wanted to visit this place. We got off the station, well, we didn’t see anything that you think of “station”… stores, café, restaurants, shops… NONE. Karita, Yukuhashi, Shindenbaru... all stations are kind of same. I guess you can take train or a car to go bigger town...

Navy base then is now an air base for Japan Self-Defense Forces. My father’s friend’s son, Fumihisa and his son took us around. Our fathers both stationed at Tsuiki Air Base (TAB).

*Photos are not allowed but special treat!!! R is Tsuiki Naval Air Corps Monument(which my father's group donated)

He arranged for us to see inside the base – Aviation Reference Museum, Control tower, Memorial monument. TAB was great to visit. The memorial Library, all materials were contributed by soldiers and their family. no photo allowed!
This was the special day that we watched Blue Impulses taking off. Many fans were at observation area to taking pictures.

Before visiting TAB, we had lunch at Buzen then visited a bunker trench close to the base.

*Bunker is HUGE!!!

For the dinner, we went to Chikushi-Tei ( This is a very beautiful place to have dinner, also where many of pilots like my father had a dinner before they went out.

*Beautiful Chikushi-Tei. Many Kamikaze Pilots(Special Attack Force Members) had the last dinner before they went out.

Next day, we visited U-Sa Shrine. Head priest took us around and show us their rebuilding of the main building.

*Beautiful U-Sa Shrine - beauty everywhere

Then we took Shinkan Sen Bullet Train, we had Eki Ben(lunch) on the train. Finally we are visiting Kobe! Alessandra and Kent are in Japan!! She is teaching for few years now and I promised to visit and finally able to do so. We saw her class at Kobe Women’s College, visited Kobe port and spent beautiful time with them!!!

*Kobe with friends and meeting Budo master Akira Hino

Back to Tokyo, we met Akira Hino – Budo master. This was one of the important thing for Stephen for his research. He interviewed him, and we stayed to watch his class after. It was incredible.

For me, this trip was important that I needed to figure out burial of my brother’s ashes. He passed away this April. I could not go home, so my dearest friends took care of everything… I can’t not thank them enough. Sometimes, living far from home, people like me will encounter this sad situation.

We didn't have much time but managed to meet with few friends. And we met with NY children! When they were in school, for holidays, they stayed with us. We have many of them who keep in touch with us. These two are like our children and now good friends!!!

*This is crazy, restaurant's name is Brooklyn and we took this and look like they are standing at the Brooklyn Bridge!!

We saw Keiko Sato performed with Miyako Kato - Somei Satoh's music! and Saburo Teshigawara’s performance at his space in Ogikubo, managed to get tickets for teamLab’s Planet- that was an interesting experience. The last day, we visited New National Theater in Tokyo and watched dress rehearsal of Ballet company’s Sleeping Beauty.

My friend Sandy Kaufmann asked me to set Martha’s Primitive Mysteries and they had performances. They danced beautifully!!! It is a beautiful work and means a lot to me to see young dancers going thru with this work.
And the poster for the Hartt Dance!!! It is from “Suite of dances from Canticle for Innocent Comedian” which I configure this Spring!!!

And Berlin!
Dance On Ensemble collaborated with Soloist Ensemble- Kaleidoskop and we performed at the Berlinisch Gallery. It was an amazing experience. We took over the entire museum/gallery, pair up with dancers/musicans and my partner is Mari Sawada, a Japanese parents and born in Essen. She and I share many of Japanese ideas!!! And the work is called “ A Sky Like A Wall” inspired by the Lebanese artist, Rabih Mroué’s vision on the Tower of Babel.

Stephen and I went to Hamburg, visited great friends there, and we attended General production and Stephen stayed for the premiere of the Hamburg Ballet. We also watched Youth Ballet Company’s rehearsal. This is the company Stephen set José Limón’s work. And they look great! Watching young dancers now, I am so glad that I am not competing to dance in this generation!

Now I am back in NY, Stephen left for Houston, San Diego and LA for audition tour for Hartt School Dance. And getting ready for holidays.

Hope all of you are well & healthy.

* * * * * UPCOMING EVENTS * * * * *

December 20 (Friday) <Performance>
Yuko Fujiyama @ Roulett, Brooklyn, NY
Set 1 is at 8pm so my group will be at 9pm. I will be performing with Yuko Fujiyama at Roulette (509 Atlantic Ave. Brooklyn. It is a part of Contemporary East series.

Jan/Feb <Performance>
2/1, 2025 Tanzbiennale Heidelberg
Ottawa ----- TBConfirm soon

March 16 <Performance>
Mellowing @ San Sebastián

March 20-22 <Performance>
Mellowing @ Paris Le 104

*Working with Lucinda Childs for Dance On Ensemble will be very exciting!!!
We will premiere on July 25-27 at Radialsystem, Berlin

Stephen will be at Trentino Music Festival
June 22-July 17, 2025 for the second year!!! If you know any young dancers, let them know and apply early!!!


# by miki3lotus | 2024-12-16 03:30 | Performing Art

Halloween at MoMA

Event at MoMA on Halloween night.
Andre Breton's surrealism Manifesto's 100year anniversary
Surrealism exhibition with some of my favorite works
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# by miki3lotus | 2024-11-01 23:53 | 日常

Back to NY

Gathering with my Graham Family
It was so nice to see them, love them.
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At MET Opera
The story about Federico Garcia Lorca
Composed by Osvaldo Golijov
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MET Opera Theater's Ceiling
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Riverside Church
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Omega Dance Company
My friend came to join them for their 50th year anniversary
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Migiwa Miyajima's Big Band
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Lunch with friends, Aiko will be going back to Japan for good soon...
we wil miss her
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and my challenge of making bread continues...
This time was REALLY SUCCESS!!!
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Used Bread Flour, and now I want to make one with Rice Flour...
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My time in NY, I am constantly challenging baking bread, Japanese Shoku-Pan...
to be continued...

# by miki3lotus | 2024-11-01 23:50 | 日常

JP Trip 4

TeamLab Planets in Tokyo
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Ramen with Koto
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Oh I so miss this beautiful scent!!!
Kin-Mokusei ( Osmanthus)
You can smell this beautiful aroma from far a way, and I wasn't looking for the tree!!!
Our home had one big tree of this...
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And finally I had "Mont Blanc" chestnut cake!
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Visited New National Theater to watch stage rehearsal of Sleeping Beauty
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Our last dinner started with this beer
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I this this is called.. Namerou???
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SP with Tomoko and Tan-roh
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On our flight back to US.
This was a great trip, we shall be back!!!

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# by miki3lotus | 2024-11-01 23:35 | Travel

JP Trip 3

Kingfisher at Inokashira Part (Kichijoji)
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I used to visit this park a lot as young person. Don't come here for your date!!!
it's very famous of splitting park!!!
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My high school friends went to Wakana's music concert
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Her Jazz quartet and SP and Wakana's son Gento!!!
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I met with my brother's friends from college at this place... yes it is a bookshelf but
it is the door!
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I remember meeting them when I was young!
It was nice to get to know how was my brother when he was a college student.
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And I have to meet these two!!!
Miroku and Tan-Roh!
I am like their mother in NY.
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This restaurant was called Brooklyn( I think) and this picture!!!
if you don't see the escalator, it is in NY!!!
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Tuna Sashimi with sake
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Soba restaurant, we are happy to have dinner finally this day.
And encountered an earthquake...
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Squid(it might be octopus...) Tempura
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Tempura soba and Ten-zaru...
I could not really tell the difference except price...
May be how many shrimps...
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Forgot the name but the chef told us this is Hiroshima's favorite

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Cook down to this
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in the end add rice to make Risotto!
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Saburo Teshigawara's performance at his studio/theater in Ogikubo,
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To be continued...

# by miki3lotus | 2024-11-01 23:26 | Travel