Pure and Applied Logic


The Pure and Applied Logic (PAL) program at Carnegie Mellon University is an interdisciplinary affiliation of Ph.D. programs in three constituent departments: Students who are interested in logic apply to and are admitted by the individual departments.

The program builds upon Carnegie Mellon's unique strengths in logic and its applications to computer science. Internationally recognized faculty, frequent workshops, colloquia, seminar series, and excellent computing facilities contribute to an ideal environment for both theoretical and applied research. Graduates of the program have gone on to prominent positions in industry and academe.

Areas of strength include:

  • automated theorem proving
  • category theory and categorical logic
  • constructive mathematics
  • formal verification
  • foundations of decision theory
  • foundations of programming languages
  • homotopy type theory
  • logics of programs
  • logic in linguistics
  • lambda calculus
  • learning theory
  • model theory
  • proof theory
  • set theory
  • temporal and modal logics
  • theory of computing
  • type theory

Related research at Carnegie Mellon includes algorithms, artificial intelligence, combinatorial optimization, computational complexity, computational linguistics, operations research, and programming systems.

Students interested in applying for admission to PAL should consult our answers to frequently asked questions.