[Foundation-l] Ombudsman Commission

[Foundation-l] Ombudsman Commission

Philippe Beaudette pbeaudette at wikimedia.org
Fri Jan 28 23:39:28 UTC 2011

Hi all,

As the month draws to a close, I wanted to announce this year's ombudsman commission, and offer my thanks to those who have served on the commission for the past year.

Outgoing commission members are:
Carkuni, of jawiki
DR, of ruwiki
Elian, of dewiki
Lar, of enwiki and commonswiki
Palnatoke, of dawiki.

I know that you join me in thanking them for their service to the community.

The incoming commission is:
User:HerbyThyme, of commonswiki
User:Sir48, of dawiki
User:FloNight, of enwiki, commonswiki and wikiquote
User:Mwpnl, of nlwiki
User:Thogo, of dewiki 

They will serve for a term of one year. 

Thanks, everyone!


Philippe Beaudette
Head of Reader Relations
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

ofc: +1 415 839 6885 x6643 
mobile: +1 918 200 WIKI (9454)

pbeaudette at wikimedia.org

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