Action item 9: "information about cascading changes" with URI -> IRI from Felix Sasaki on 2006-08-10 ( from August 2006)

Action item 9: "information about cascading changes" with URI -> IRI


Regarding my Action item [1]
"Felix to update the issue
with more information about cascading changes."

and Paul's request from today's call [2]
"(I) want to see where URIs are used and how change would impact"

I took Jonathan Marsh's mail [3] about the IRI adoption in addressing
(which Chris pointed to at [4]) as an input.


- I don't see a need to change "All information items defined by this
specification are identified by the XML namespace URI [XML Namespaces]",
since this is an URI. I don't expect a possibly necessary new XML
namespace URI to contain non-ascii characters.

- sec. 4.2 : I propose to change the reference from RFC 3986 to RFC
3987, here and in the appendix: "associated with a IRI [IETF RFC
3987].", "The identity of the policy expression as an absolute IRI [IETF
RFC 3987]. ", and all occurrences of "URI with "IRI" in that section.
Impact of the change: /wsp:Policy/@Name is defined in terms of
xs:anyURI. As Jonathan stated for addressing in his mail, the data type
IRIs maps well to xs:anyURI, so my change proposal has no effect on the
data type of @Name.
About /wsp:Policy/@wsu:Id , the section says: "to refer to this policy
expression [identified by @wsu:Id], a URI-reference  MAY be formed using
this value per Section 4.2 of WS-Security [WS-Security 2004]." I would
propose to say "IRI-reference". WS-Security relies on WS-Policy, which
itself operates on the information set level, and not on the
serialization of XML. On the info set level, there is no difference
between URI and IRI.

- sec 4.3.4 :
About /wsp:Policy/$B!D(B/wsp:PolicyReference/@URI : I propose to say "This
attribute references a policy expression by an IRI" and all occurrences
of URI with IRI in that paragraph.
Impact of the change: see my explanation on /wsp:Policy/@Name and
/wsp:Policy/@wsu:Id above.
About /wsp:Policy/$B!D(B/wsp:PolicyReference/@Digest and
/wsp:Policy/$B!D(B/wsp:PolicyReference/@DigestAlgorithm : I don't expect the
use of IRIs here, so I propose no change.


sec. 3.3 XML Element Attachment :
I propose to write "The wsp:PolicyURIs attribute contains a white
space-separated list of one or more IRIs [IETF RFC 3987].", and change
the reference in the appendix, and change all occurrences of URI to IRI
in that section.
impact of the change: see my explanation on /wsp:Policy/@Name and
/wsp:Policy/@wsu:Id above.

sec. 3.4  :
I propose to change "typically using URIs." to "typically using IRIs.".
sec. 5.2, 5.3 : I propose to change "URI" to "IRI".
These changes have no impact, since they rely on the definition of a
policy expression, which "IRIness" is given by the change in the
framework document.



Received on Thursday, 10 August 2006 04:28:22 UTC