Mail Archives Mail Archives

Public mailing list of the Web APIs Working Group.

Access mail archives by date, thread, author and subject
period re-sorted messages
June 2008by threadby authorby subject100
May 2008by threadby authorby subject494
April 2008by threadby authorby subject265
March 2008by threadby authorby subject255
February 2008by threadby authorby subject212
January 2008by threadby authorby subject22
December 2007by threadby authorby subject83
November 2007by threadby authorby subject60
October 2007by threadby authorby subject64
September 2007by threadby authorby subject70
August 2007by threadby authorby subject98
July 2007by threadby authorby subject105
June 2007by threadby authorby subject140
May 2007by threadby authorby subject124
April 2007by threadby authorby subject45
March 2007by threadby authorby subject125
February 2007by threadby authorby subject125
January 2007by threadby authorby subject208
December 2006by threadby authorby subject132
November 2006by threadby authorby subject57
October 2006by threadby authorby subject132
September 2006by threadby authorby subject105
August 2006by threadby authorby subject40
July 2006by threadby authorby subject46
June 2006by threadby authorby subject117
May 2006by threadby authorby subject210
April 2006by threadby authorby subject552
March 2006by threadby authorby subject415
February 2006by threadby authorby subject160
January 2006by threadby authorby subject19
December 2005by threadby authorby subject27
November 2005by threadby authorby subject54