New Resource: Making Audio and Video Media Accessible from Shawn Henry on 2019-09-10 ( from July to September 2019)

New Resource: Making Audio and Video Media Accessible

Dear WAI Interest Group,

We just published a new educational resource:
 Making Audio and Video Media Accessible

It helps you understand and create:
 * captions/subtitles
 * audio description of visual information
 * descriptive transcripts
 * sign language for media

It includes guidance:
 * for creating new videos
 * on media player accessibility

The planning and project management sections address considerations for outsourcing or in-house development. The resource starts by introducing user experiences and benefits to organizations -- illustrating how digital *accessibility is essential for some and useful for all*.

We welcome comments on the resource via GitHub or e-mail. There are links near the bottom of each page under "Help improve this page".

We encourage you to tell others about this new resource. For example, here is a tweet to share the news:

Brent Bakken, EOWG Co-Chair
Sharron Rush, EOWG Co-Chair
Shawn Henry, W3C Staff Contact for EOWG


Received on Tuesday, 10 September 2019 15:05:58 UTC