Translations of W3C WAI Accessibility Resources from Shawn Henry on 2019-03-28 ( from January to March 2019)

Translations of W3C WAI Accessibility Resources

Dear WAI Interest Group lists,

Translations are now easier to get to on the W3C WAI website. The "All Translations" link near the top of all WAI pages goes to:
      All WAI Translations

More languages and more pages are being translated now. This example page is already available in 8+ languages, with video subtitles in 18+ languages:
      Video Introduction to Web Accessibility and W3C Standards

We're launching a new effort to get more volunteer translations of WAI accessibility resources. If you might be interested in translating resources, please see:
      Translating WAI Resources

Want to keep up with WAI translations? To subscribe to the WAI translations mailing list, send e-mail to:
with subject:

A big thank you to everyone contributing to translations! You help expand the reach of accessibility information to make digital accessibility better for everyone.


Received on Thursday, 28 March 2019 13:09:31 UTC