Aims and scope
BVICAM's International Journal of Information Technology is a broad-based, peer reviewed, quarterly research journal that publishes original research in all the interdisciplinary streams of Engineering Sciences, Computer Science and Information Technology
The Journal welcomes submissions from a wide range of topics including, as given below:
- Algorithms and Computational Mathematics
- Green Technologies and Energy Efficient Systems
- Information and Communication
- Technologies (ICTs) based Applications
- E-Governance
- Knowledge Management
- E-Commerce, ERP, CRM & Knowledge Mining
- Technology for Convergence
- Distributed and Cloud Computing
- Parallel, Multi-core and Grid Computing
- Reconfigurable Architectures
- Changing Software Architectural Paradigms
- Programming Practices & Coding Standards
- Software Inspection, Verification & Validation
- Software Sizing and Estimation Techniques
- Agile Technologies
- Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks
- Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing
- Modelling and Simulation
- Embedded Systems
- Robotics Modeling and Control
- Human Computer Interaction
- Databases
- Data Mining and Business Intelligence
- Big Data Analytics
- Operating Systems
- Data Communication, Computer Networks and Information Security
- Wireless Networking
- Network Monitoring Tools
- Next Generation Internet
- Mobile Computing
- Entertainment Technologies
- Multimedia Computing
- Information and Collaboration Systems
- Fuzzy and Soft Computing
- Bioinformatics
- Medical Informatics
- Education Informatics
- Computational Finance
- Research Methods for Computing
- Case Studies & Applications