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Botany, Zoology and Cellular and Molecular Biology

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Aims and scope

Biologia publishes high-quality research papers in the fields of microbial, plant and animal sciences.

The papers for the section Cellular and Molecular Biology cover all aspects of microbiology dealing with Bacteria, Archaea and microbial Eucarya including cellular and molecular biology, biochemistry, enzymology, genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics.
The papers for the section Botany cover fundamental research in ecology, biodiversity, geobotany, taxonomy, genetics and all fields of experimental botany including cellular, whole-plant and community physiology.
The papers for the section Zoology cover mostly animal systematics and taxonomy, morphology, ecology and physiology from cellular to molecular level.

Every Issue of Biologia will contain the papers from all the above-mentioned fields of biology.
Manuscripts outside this scope – especially dealing with various aspects of cancer, stem cells research, pharmacological content of plants, content of essential oils in plants, agricultural, toxicological studies, testing of pesticides and studies on different aspects of animal breeding – will not be considered anymore.

Full-Papers contributions should present original experimental, methodological or theoretical research.
Review Articles are preferably by invitation but unsolicited reviews are equally welcome. The journal also publishes Short Communications, Preliminary Communications and Opinions of outstanding scientific importance.

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