Aims and scope
Landscape Ecology, an open access publication, is the flagship journal of a well-established and rapidly developing interdisciplinary science that focuses explicitly on the ecological understanding of spatial heterogeneity. Landscape Ecology draws together expertise from both biophysical and socioeconomic sciences to explore basic and applied research questions concerning the ecology, conservation, management, design/planning, and sustainability of landscapes as coupled human-environment systems. Landscape ecology studies are characterized by spatially explicit methods in which spatial attributes and arrangements of landscape elements are directly analyzed and related to ecological processes.
All manuscripts must show a keen awareness of the current literature and an immediate relevance to at least one of the following key topics: (1) Flows and redistributions of organisms, materials, and energy in landscape mosaics; (2) Landscape connectivity and fragmentation; (3) Ecosystem services in dynamic landscapes (especially, tradeoffs and synergies); (4) Landscape history and legacy effects; (5) Landscape and climate change interactions (particularly, mitigation and adaptation); (6) Landscape sustainability and resilience (e.g., relationships between ecosystem services and human well-being in changing landscapes); (7) Mechanisms and ecological impacts of land use change; (8) Scaling relations and hierarchical linkages of patterns and processes across landscapes; (9) Innovative methods in landscape analysis and modeling; and (10) Accuracy assessment and uncertainty analysis of landscape studies.
A valuable resource for both researchers and practitioners in ecology, conservation, ecosystem management, and landscape planning and design, Landscape Ecology is currently one of the leading journals across these fields.