Aims and scope
The journal provides a leading forum for disseminating significant original research results in the foundations, theory, development, analysis, and applications of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. Specific topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:
- Agent decision-making architectures and their evaluation, including deliberative, practical reasoning, reactive/behavioural, plan-based, and hybrid architectures.
- Cooperation and teamwork, including organizational structuring and design for multi-agent systems, self-organization, emergent functionality and swarm intelligence.
- Multi-agent planning and planning for multi-agent systems, and the coordination of multi-agent plans and activities.
- Computational auction systems, computational market systems, algorithmic/automated mechanism design, automated negotiation, computational aspects of game theory (cooperative and non-cooperative), and computational social choice theory.
- Knowledge representation and reasoning for, and logical foundations of, autonomous agents and multi-agent systems.
- Agent programming languages - their implementation, semantics, and evaluation.
- Distributed constraint processing and distributed constraint optimization.
- Multi-agent argumentation and dialogue, conflict detection and resolution.
- Multi-agent learning, co-learning, and evolutionary approaches in multi-agent systems.
- Learning agents, including: computational architectures for learning agents; evolution, adaptation; multi-agent learning.
- Agent communication languages, their semantics, pragmatics, and implementation, and agent communication protocols and conversations.
- Conventions, commitments, norms, obligations, and social laws in multi-agent systems, and models of trust and reputation.
- Believable and synthetic agents and characters, and human-agent interaction.
- Environments, testbeds, and program ming languages for experimentation with, and analysis of, agent systems.
- Ontologies for agent systems, agents and the semantic web, agents and semantic web services, Grid-based systems, and service-oriented computing.
- Robotic agents, including: integrated perception, cognition, and action; cognitive robotics; robot planning (including action and motion planning); multi-robot systems.
- Agents as a software engineering paradigm, including agent system development, specification and verification of agent systems, methodologies for autonomous agents and multi-agent systems, analysis and design for multi-agent systems, evaluations of different approaches to developing agent systems, and significant practical experiences with agent system.
- Exploration of relationships between agents and other disciplines such as psychology, linguistics, philosophy, and human-computer interaction; and the relationship between multi-agent systems and other disciplines such as economics/game theory, sociology, and organization theory.
- Significant, novel applications of agent technology.
- Comprehensive reviews and authoritative tutorials of research and practice in agent systems.
- Comprehensive and authoritative reviews of books dealing with agents and multi-agent systems.