Today, the manufacturing industry is aiming to improve competitiveness through the convergence with cutting-edge ICT technologies in order to secure a new growth engine. Smart Manufacturing, which is the fourth revolution in the manufacturing industry and is also considered as a new paradigm, is the collection of cutting-edge technologies that support effective and accurate engineering decision-making in real time through the introduction of various ICT technologies and the convergence with the existing manufacturing technologies. This paper surveyed and analyzed various articles related to Smart Manufacturing, identified the past and present levels, and predicted the future. For these purposes, 1) the major key technologies related to Smart Manufacturing were identified through the analysis of the policies and technology roadmaps of Germany, the U.S., and Korea that have government-driven leading movements for Smart Manufacturing, 2) the related articles on the overall Smart Manufacturing concept, the key system structure, or each key technology were investigated, and, finally, 3) the Smart Manufacturing-related trends were identified and the future was predicted by conducting various analyses on the application areas and technology development levels that have been addressed in each article.
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Kang, H.S., Lee, J.Y., Choi, S. et al. Smart manufacturing: Past research, present findings, and future directions. Int. J. of Precis. Eng. and Manuf.-Green Tech. 3, 111–128 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40684-016-0015-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40684-016-0015-5