Circulating Collections

Circulating Collections

Our five campus libraries offer you the best in general and special collections with over five million print volumes, over 1.5 million electronic books, and tens of thousands of electronic journals and databases.

Beyond the regular circulating collections at the campus libraries (Evans, MSL, PSEL, and BLCC), Evans Library houses several specialized and topical collections that circulate. Loan periods for these materials vary due to their special nature.

Curriculum Collection

Evans Library, 4th Floor
The Curriculum Collection, located on the fourth floor of Evans Library near the skywalk to the Annex, is a special collection of materials and resources that can be used to support PK-12 curriculum objectives. While it is primarily designed to meet the educational and instructional needs of pre-service teachers in the College of Education, the materials in the collection are also used by in-service teachers, faculty, ESL students, individuals studying children’s literature, and the general public. The collection contains over 30,000 items and is divided into two main sections: The Textbook Collection and the Literature Collection.

Government Documents

Annex, 5th Floor
Texas A&M University Libraries, a federal selective depository for United States government documents since 1907 serves the 17th Congressional District area. Evans is also a Texas state depository (since 1978). Texas A&M University Libraries provides access and reference assistance for these collections to A&M students, faculty, and staff, as well as to the general public. While some patent and trademark resources are available at Evans, the Business Library & Collaboration Commons is a Patent and Trademark Resource Center (since 1983), and assistance with these resources may be acquired at BLCC. 

Texas state documents and recent federal documents are searchable in the Libraries' Catalog. Pre-1976 federal documents are accessed using The Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications (call number GP 3.8:) or use the online version. Several specialized electronic databases are useful when searching a particular type of material. For more information, see our Texas, Federal, and International Government guides.

  • The U.S. Federal Documents of each agency are grouped together using the Superintendent of Documents (SuDoc) numbering system. The beginning letter or letters of the agency name are combined with numbers to identify the item. For example, NASA documents begin with “NAS.” The paper and CD-ROM collection is located on the 5th floor of the Library Annex. Microforms are kept in Evans Library, 3rd Floor.
  • Texas state documents are shelved by the State Library's classification system. This system also groups publications from each agency together. For example, reports from the Parks and Wildlife Department begin with the letter “P.” All Texas Documents are located on the 5th floor of the Library Annex. Some microforms are kept in Evans Library, 3rd Floor.
  • The United Nations documents collection has its own classification system and are indexed in AccessUN. Microfiche are classed first by year and then in alphanumerical order by agency. They are located in the Microfiche area of Evans Library, 3rd Floor. This collection spans from 1946-2010.

The circulation policy for most government documents is the same as for other general circulating items in the collection. Some Census and legal information documents are non-circulating. For non-Texas A&M University affiliated depository users, we do offer limited scanning of our print and microfiche documents to be emailed to you if under 50 pages in length. This applies to depository items only and can take up to two business days.

Map Collection

Evans Library, 2nd Floor
The Map Collection, located on the second floor of Evans Library, provides paper map and digital geospatial resources and services. Visit the Map Collections page for more information about the collection and related services.

Media Collection

Annex, 1st Floor
Media Services, located on Annex 1st floor, is home to the Libraries' largest collection of movies, music, and audiovisual equipment for checkout.

Reserves Collection

Multiple Library Locations
Course Reserves provides access to print and electronic materials selected by Texas A&M faculty and instructors for use in specific courses. Login to Course Reserves to see what is available for your class (print, audiovisual, and electronic material).

Print reserves are set aside for classes at:

  • Evans Library & Annex, Media & Reserves: Annex, 1st floor
  • Medical Sciences Library: 1st floor service desk
  • Policy Sciences & Economics Library
  • Business Library & Collaboration Commons: 1st floor service desk

New Arrivals/New Books

Evans Library, 1st Floor
This small collection, located in the back reading room of Evans first floor, features the latest arrivals to our collection and includes both new publications and new acquisitions. New arrivals eventually make their way to the regular stacks to become part of the permanent collection.