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Three Minutes Thesis details on a purple background
Caltech Library Dissertation Bootcamp March 27-28,2025 next to images of a person working on a project and a bound dissertation

Dissertation Bootcamp

The Caltech Library and the Graduate Studies Office invite graduate students for a two-day dissertation writing bootcamp on March 27-28, 2025. The bootcamp provides a calm, distraction-free environment, along with refreshments and writing and formatting support.

The study floor of a university library with stacks, tables, and chairs

Caltech Library Locations & Services

Whether you're new or returning to campus, get to know the Caltech Library (better or for the first time) through our website, quick guidewelcome videolibrary workshop and events, and/or stop by and say hi.

Featured Highlights

Illustration of people between bookshelves with text Classes @ Caltech Library

Library Workshops

We offer workshops to help with research, data management, and various software programs, including You & Your Thesis, The Unix Shell, Data Visualization, Introduction to ArcGIS, and more. Check out the schedule.

View of mountains from ninth floor of Caltech Hall

Caltech Hall Cameras

At the top of Caltech Hall on the ninth floor, there are two cameras that capture the north and south views from the building, out over the mountains and lowlands of Pasadena and beyond. Extra exciting when it snows!

Icon of a person reading behind a book with the text Libby

Libby App

The Caltech Library offers access to Libby, the library reading app from Overdrive that lets users borrow ebooks and audiobooks for free. To access Libby, go to your app store of choice, download and open the app, choose "I have a library card," and find Caltech.

Various titles on neurodiversity displayed on two shelves

Neurodiversity Resources 

Inspired by Neurodiversity Celebration Week, the A11y and Inclusion & Social Justice Committees have collected and displayed materials in honor of Neurodiversity Awareness that will be permanently on display.

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