Wikipedia:Bot – Wikipedia Op den Inhalt sprangen


Vu Wikipedia

E Wikipedia-Bot ass e (klenge) Computerprogramm oder Skript, deen hallef- oder vollautomatesch mat der Wikipedia interagéiert, an de User einfach repetitiv Aufgaben ofhuele kann.

Well eng generell Wikipedia-Richtlinn prinzipiell vum Gebrauch vu Botten ofréit, ë. a. wéinst méiglecher Serveriwwerlaaschtung an der Feelerufällegkeet vu souguer de beschte Botprogrammer, ass den Asaz vun engem Bot op der Lëtzebuerger Wikipedia limitéiert a follgende Reegelen ënnerworf:

Reegele fir de Bot-Asaz

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Phas 1: Intern Ufro an Tester

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Ween e Bot op der Lëtzebuerger Wikipedia asetze wëll muss:

  1. Eng Benotzersäit fir sech selwer opmaachen, wou e sech, seng Objektiver a seng effektiv Sproochkenntnesser (op d'mannst entweder Lëtzebuergesch, Däitsch, Franséisch oder Englesch) duerstellt an iwwer där hir Diskussiounssäit en erreecht ka ginn. Dës Diskussiounssäit muss reegelméisseg kontrolléiert ginn, op d'mannst eng Kéier kuerz virun engem Botasaz an eng Kéier kuerz duerno.
  2. Eng Benotzersäit fir säi Bot opmaachen (mat "Bot" am Usernumm), wou en de But an d'Funktiounsweis vum Bot erkläert, a sech als Operateur vum Bot z'erkenne gëtt.
  3. Op dëser Säit (Punkt 2 "Ufro fir nei Botten") eng Autorisatioun ufroen, fir säi Bot op der Wikipedia testen ze däerfen. An där Ufro muss een den Numm vum Bot uginn, dem Bot säi But a seng Funktiounsweis kuerz resuméieren an erklären firwat, datt dee Bot nëtzlech ass.
  4. Eng iwwerwaachten Testphas vun bis zu 10 Deeg alauden, bäi där all Quellcodefeeler der Rei no ausgeschloss oder behuewe ginn. Bäi dësen Tester däerfe bannent 24 Stonne maximal 10 Artikele pro Bot geännert ginn. En Administrator däerf op eng begrënnten Ufro hin dës maximal Artikelzuel ausnamsweis a punktuell unhiewen, mä se däerf ni iwwer dat erausgoen, wat de Botoperateur bäi enger eventueller Feelfunktioun vum Bot a kierzter Zäit nees selwer réckgängeg maache kann.

Phas 2: Bot Status an normale Botasaz

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  1. Wann d'Testphas erfollegräich war kritt hien de Botstatus a gëtt vun engem vun eise Bürokraten als Bot registréiert.
  2. De Betrib vun engem registréierte Bot ass net méi de Limitatioune vun der Testphas ënnerworf.
  3. Während oder no all Botbetrib muss de Botmeeschter sécherzestellen, datt keen onerwaarte Feeler opgetratt ass. Sollt sou e Feeler festgestallt ginn, muss de Botmeeschter all feelerhaft Ännerunge selwer nees an d'Rei bréngen a säi Bot stänneg iwwerwaachen, bis datt en de Feeler fonnt an definitiv behuewen huet.
  4. Wann e Bot méi wéi 3 Méint inaktiv ass oder substantiell Ännerungen u sengem Quellcode virgeholl goufen, kann e vun engem vun eise Bürokraten unflagged ginn. Enger spéiderer Reaktivatioun mussen nees déi néideg Autorisatioune virausgoen.


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Sanktioune bäi Mëssbrauch

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  1. Botten, déi op der lb-wiki aktiv goufen ier dës Bot-Richtlinne codifizéiert goufen, profitéiere vun enger Iwwergaangszäit, während där se hiren Autorisatiounsstatut regulariséiere kënnen.
  2. Verstéisst e Bot géint eng vun den hei opgelëschte Reegelen, ouni awer d'Substanz vum Reegelwierk ze verletzen, sou geet et duer, wann de Bot-Operateur no enger eemoleger Opfuerderung op senger Usersäit d'Situatioun ouni ze zécke regulariséiert an/oder d'Konsequenze vum Verstouss séier erëm an d'Rei bréngt.
  3. Kënnt de beschëllegte Bot-Operateur der genannter Opfuerderung net oder net séier genuch no, oder sollt e keng Usersäit konform zum Artikel 1 hunn, sou kann en Administrator de Bot als éischt Warnung fir 6 Stonne blockéieren. Déi follgend Warnunge fir deeselwechte Bot-Operateur kënnen all Kéier d'duebel Zäit ausmaachen. Als Grond fir d'Blockéirung vum Bot muss genee déi Reegel ugi ginn, déi violéiert gouf.
  4. Léisst e beschëllegte Bot-Operateur trotz repetitiven Opfuerderungen oder Warnunge fir de selwechte Verstouss ënner de selwechte Konditiounen net de Wëllen erkennen, d'Situatioun definitiv ze regulariséieren an/oder d'Konsequenze vum Verstouss séier an d'Rei ze bréngen, oder huet e géint eng substantiell Reegel verstouss, sou kann en, no Diskussioun vun de Fakten um Stamminet, de Useraccount vu sengem Bot an och säin eegenen vun engem Administrator bis zu enger onbestëmmtener Zäit blockéiert kréien. Dës Sanktioun ka fréizäiteg erëm opgehuewe ginn, wann de Grond fir dës Spär aus der Welt geschaf gouf.

Ufro fir nei Botten

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Stellt äre Bot hei vir a frot eng Autorisatioun fir säin Asaz.

Ufroe vun Botten déi de Bot-status schon hunn fannt dir hei.

  • Botmaster : Amir
  • Bot's name : Amirobot
  • List of botflags on others wikipedias: 22 wikipedias [1]
  • Purpose: Interwiki (pywikipedia)
  • Technical details :I add interwiki from Persian wikipedia.
  • Botmaster : Firilacroco
  • Bot's name : FiriBot
  • List of botflags on others wikipedias: en, la, simple, uk, nn, sr, ru, bn, sv, ar, bs
  • Purpose: Interwiki (pywikipedia)
  • Technical details : It uses the pywikipedia framework and runs in "-autonomous" mode.
  • How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
The bot adds/removes/edits interwiki links. Also, it corrects the double redirecting pages.
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (RobotQuistnix, Robbot, TuvicBot, Escarbot, FlaBot, JAnDbot, ...)
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
I start using it on Romanian Wikipedia, and I have the only one bot seted with this "home" language.
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
Yes, of course. Just ask! --FiriBot 12:48, 7. Mee 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

I think I made those 50 edits.--Firilacroco 04:29, 6. Jun. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

Hi, i request a bot bit for PolarBot.

  • Botmaster : Polarlys
  • Bot's name : PolarBot
  • List of botflags on others wikipedias: 16 (see de:Benutzer:PolarBot/Status)
  • Purpose: Interwiki (pywikipedia)
  • Technical details : Interwiki bot starting at the German wikipedia. The bot uses the pywikipedia framework and runs in autonomous mode.
  • How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
The bot runs almost daily, mostly for some hours. It starts from in the two modes: 1) maintenance of whole category trees (e.g. „physicians“ or „places in germany“) and 2) on new pages where always is a lot to do.
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (RobotQuistnix, Robbot, TuvicBot, Escarbot, FlaBot, JAnDbot, ...)
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
Faster integration of other language versions.
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
Yes, just ask. If the request is too special, I’ll find someone else for you ;-) --Polarlys 17:44, 7 Juni 2007 (UTC)

I'd like to request a flag for this bot

Rei-bot 14:03, 28 August 2007 (UTC)

  • How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
It usually starts from pt.wikipedia.
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia: Thijs!bot, Quistnix, Robbot, Escarbot, FlaBot, JAnDbot, ...)
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
Faster integration of interwiki links
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
Yes, if i can fulfill the request.
  • You are kindly requested to create a separate User-page on lb-wikipedia including your language-knowledge using the Babel-templates.
I speak Portuguese and English

--Rei-bot 19:40, 28 August 2007 (UTC)

Ech froen heimatter de Botstatus unn fir datt d'Interwiki- a Categorysgestriwwels aus de Rezenten Ännerunge soll eraus bleiwen, an déi méi iwwersiichtlech ginn. Mäi Meeschter ass de Les Meloures.

Melouresbot 17:41, 5 September 2007 (UTC)

Ech froen heimatter de Botstatus unn fir datt d'Interwiki- a Categorysgestriwwels aus de Rezenten Ännerunge soll eraus bleiwen, an déi méi iwwersiichtlech ginn. Mäi Meeschter ass de Robby. RobbyBot 10:31, 16 September 2007 (UTC)

Hello, I'd like to request a flag for Idioma-bot.

  • Operator : lt:User:Hugo.arg
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted : automatic and manually
  • Programming Language(s) : python (pywikipedia framework) (updated from SVN)
  • Function Summary : interwiki, double redirect fixing
  • Flags in other wikipedias: more than 50 (en, fr, es, de, ru, ja, zh, it, fi, pl....)

Thanks! Hugo 15:01, 25. Nov. 2007 (UTC)[äntweren]

  • How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
    • Mostly works manually assisted (fixes interwiki conflicts and has solved a lot of big interwiki cobwebs). Idioma-bot mostly starts from Lithuanian wikipedia but often goes from other languages (Samogitian, Quechua, Estonian, Tajik...I hope will start from Luxembourgian too). Idioma-bot runs practicaly every day, daily contributions depends from large of wikipedia (~50-60 edits in enwiki, eswiki, ­­­~10-20 in kawiki which is similar by large to lbwiki)
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (RobotQuistnix, Robbot, TuvicBot, Escarbot, FlaBot, JAnDbot, ...)
    • No difficulties. It works here well :)
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
    • Idioma-bot works like other bots. The main benefit of this bot is that it solves interwiki conflicts. A conflict could be solved only when all interwikies are changed, so often need to change interwiki in Luxembourgian wiki to solve a problem.
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
    • Sure. You can ask me not only to solve interwiki problems, but also to fix double redirects, to move categories or to give me bot work's summary translation to change in SVN.

Regards, Hugo 21:57, 30. Nov. 2007 (UTC)[äntweren]

I would like to request a flag for my bot.

  • Operator : en:User:Meno25
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted : Automatic supervised
  • Programming Language(s) : Python (Pywikipedia framework)
  • Function Summary : Modification of interwiki links
  • Flags in other wikipedias: en, de, fr, pl, ja, nl, it, pt, es, sv, ru, fi, vo, ro, tr, eo, sl, ar, full list
  • Notes: Start from ar --Meno25 10:30, 9. Dez 2007 (UTC)

I would like to request a flag for my bot.

  • Operator : su:User:Irwangatot
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted : Automatic supervised
  • Programming Language(s) : Python (Pywikipedia framework)
  • Function Summary : Modification of interwiki links
  • Flags in other wikipedias: id,su,en,de,fr,it,ja Wikipedia
  • Notes: Start from id or su --TottyBot 18:59, 26. Dez 2007 (UTC)

Hi, I'd like to request a bot flag for Purbo_T (contributions)

Thank you! --Purodha Blissenbach 02:01, 8. Feb. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

Questions of lb:User:Robby and answers:

  • How often will you run your bot?
    • Occasionally, i.e. average 2 or 3 times a week for an hour or two, but may be as much as 2-3 times a day, depending on workload and my time available to supervise it.
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (RobotQuistnix, Robbot, TuvicBot, Escarbot, FlaBot, JAnDbot, ...)
    • No. They already run smoothly together on several other Wikipedias, where some or all of them are active.
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
    • All interwiki bots (starting from different Wikipedias) must read each linked article from all wikis before they can contribute changes. Thus once that is done, they should feed their findings back to as many wikipedias as possible. This keeps bot generated server load at a minimum. Purbo_T bot is reading all Wikipedias, and well on its way to be allowed to write in all. It is the only interwiki bot starting customarily and regularly from the Wikipedia of Ripuarian languages, so it is the only one to automatically propagate new links from there, when there are no backlinks. Without Purbo_T on the Luxemburgian Wikipedia, for these cases another bot run was inevitable, which can be avoided with it.
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
    • Yes, just ask.
    • There were several occasions, when e.g. a series of related name changes had been made in a Wikipedia, I let the bot process these pages, it automatically readjusted interwiki links to them everywhere else.
    • am:User:Purbo T uploaded a set of automatically generated disambiguation pages linking the Gregorian years to the Amharic calendar in the Amharic Wikipedia.

--Purodha Blissenbach 20:20, 10. Feb. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

Hello! I'm Soxred93 from English edition of Wikipedia. I'm asking to give my bot a bot flag, then I'll update interwiki links, I'll scan English Wikipedia always. If it done or if there are any questions about it, please notice me in my English talk page. Thank you!-- 17:34, 17. Feb. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

From talk page:
  • How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (RobotQuistnix, Robbot, TuvicBot, Escarbot, FlaBot, JAnDbot, ...)
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?

Request bot flag for Alexbot

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I request the bot flag for Alexbot:

Programming Language:Pywikipedia SVN
Functions:Interwiki(+autonomous), double redirect fix, featured article interwiki link.
Other languages:All statistics in here

Thank you--Alexsh 09:36, 19. Feb. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

Bot operator: Benotzer:White Cat (Commons:User:White Cat) - En-N, Tr-4, Ja-1 List of botflags on other projects: Bot has a flag on wikimedia (meta,commons) wikipedia (ar, az, de, en, es, et, fr, is, ja, ku, nn, no, ru, sr, tr, uz, simple) (See: m:User:White Cat#Bots) Purpose: Interwiki linking, double redirect fixing, commons delinking (for cases where commonsdelinker fails) -- Cat chi? 23:39, 7. Mäe 2008 (UTC)

Hi. Your bot request has been put on lb:Wikipedia:Bot#Bot_flag_request_for_Benotzer:Computer. Your bot is now in a test phas during which we ask you not to do more then 10 edits a day. while going on with your tests we wuld be very pleased if you could us answer the following questions concerning your bot:
  • How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (RobotQuistnix, Robbot, Escarbot, JAnDbot, Thijs!bot, VolkovBot, ...)
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
with best regards from Luxembourg --Benotzer:Robby 10:19, 15 March 2008 (UTC)
The bot processes Spezial:Doubleredirects (to fix double redirects). Spezial:Allpages (to determine interwiki links), and Commons:Special:Log/Delete (for CommonsDelinking)
The bot preforms mindless tasks so I seriously doubt it would interfere with anything
  • Double redirects are unhelpful to the reader. The bot fixes such leftovers of page moves. You can read more about them at en:Wikipedia:Double redirects. Interwiki links are wikipedias multi-lingual interface.
  • Inetrwiki links link between wikis to the same article, you can read more about them at m:Help:Interwiki linking
  • Commons Delinker is a bot that removes/modifies images that are from commons based on commons activity. The bot runs on toolserv so if the toolserv dies my bot would act as a backup.
I would be more than happy to assist this or any community with special requests.
-- Cat chi? 15:31, 15. Mäe 2008 (UTC)
  • Operator: Dalibor Bosits
  • Purpose: Interwiki, auto and manually mode, from hr Wiki, daily
  • Software: Pywikipedia framework
  • Bot flagged on: ~70 wikis, global

thank you --Dalibor Bosits (talk) 10:16, 15. Mäe 2008 (UTC)

update--Dalibor Bosits (talk) 16:31, 28. Feb. 2009 (UTC)

Questions from my talk page:

  • How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
It adds/removes or edits the interwiki links. It starts from de-Wikipedia. I don't know how often I want to run the bot.
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (RobotQuistnix, Robbot, Escarbot, JAnDbot, Thijs!bot, VolkovBot, ...)
No, I use the SVN version of pywikipediabot. There is no interaction.
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
The added value is: more interwiki links, that are up-to-date. (What else?! :)
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
I dont think so. I do a lot of work at de:Wikipedia:Bots/Anfragen. Also take a look at de:Benutzer:SpBot (Tätigkeiten)
Danke schön. --SpBot 21:43, 7. Mee 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]
Erledigt. --Euku 11:26, 18. Jun. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

See Benotzer:MelancholieBot for more info.

  • How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
    • from als.wp, bar.wp and eo.wp
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (RobotQuistnix, Robbot, Escarbot, JAnDbot, Thijs!bot, VolkovBot, ...)
    • pure pywikipedia interwiki bot
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
    • operated from other (smaller) wikis
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
    • able: yes; ready: depends

MelancholieBot 23:41, 12. Mee 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

Request for botflag for Benotzer:CarsracBot

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  • How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
    • I run from fy, li, ksh and other small language wiki's. I use the most recent pywikipedia script. I start from the pages without interwiki links.
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (RobotQuistnix, Robbot, Escarbot, JAnDbot, Thijs!bot, VolkovBot, ...)
    • I try to learn from the people that runs those bots and try to make the same mistakes or do the same things. My bot interact with those bots as if they are any other editor. And sometime my bot does the same thing. I have got a lot of botflag on other wiki's.
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
    • operated from other (smaller) wikis and more manual controlled. It is the operator with his knowledge of lb that makes the difference. I can read lb, as I understand de and nl and other languages in that language group. I watch the RTL news and understand it. And work is done for the bot is spread over more bots. I solve interwiki conflicts by manually controlled removing links and other bot owners only add links and do the articles without any conflicts.
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
    • I'm willing to do special requests. But normally the special request are done by the users that are native speakers and have special rights as adm.

I hope that is enough info. Carsrac 16:21, 20. Mee 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

Thanks for the time

Dear all, this is to request a bot flag for Synthebot. Its technical information is summarized below.

  • Operator: Julian Mendez
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: mostly automatic in autonomous mode; sometimes manually assisted to solve interwiki conflicts
  • Programming Language(s): pywikipedia
  • Function Summary: interwiki links
  • Already has a bot flag on: more than 50 wikipedias, see SUL table

The bot usually starts on the Interlingua wikipedia. In some cases, it also starts on other small wikipedias. There is no fixed schedule, but it usually runs once a week. There are no known difficulties nor conflicts with other bots.

The main added value of this bot to the Luxembourgish wikipedia is the connection to small wikipedias. However, it could start on this wikipedia if requested, and export the interwiki links to other wikipedias. Further technical information is available on its main page. Thank you in advance. Regards, --Julian 10:15, 31. Mee 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

  • Operator: WikiDreamer
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: Automatic
  • Programming Language(s): Python (Pywikipedia framework)
  • Function Summary: Interwiki from eo wikipedia
  • Bot with flag: 25 & ++ wikipedia

I run my bot now for 50 test edits. Thanks! --WikiDreamer 22:58, 5. Jun. 2008 (UTC)

I hereby request botflag on this wiki for my bot StigBot.

  • Owner’s account: Stigmj (talk)
  • Bot account: StigBot (contribssulmakebot )
  • Function: mainly interwiki, but can be used in user-namespace for adding userpages etc. on request from the affected users.
  • Software: Pywikipedia, updated from SVN before each run.
  • Other: Runs manually initiated automatic supervised and sometimes entirely manual. Already has bot flag on: als, ar, be-x-old, bpy, en, eo, fr, nn, no, oc, pl, pt, ro, sco, simple, sv, udm and vo.

And for the specific questions:

  • How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
    • StigBot usually start from no: and it is at the moment run only manually on specific categories of articles (mainly about brazil). I have started doing many other articles as well, and may even be starting from other scandinavian wikis (da, fi, nn, sv) as well. I try to resolve all conflicts as I spot them. If I'm not 100% sure, I skip it.
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (RobotQuistnix, Robbot, TuvicBot, Escarbot, FlaBot, JAnDbot, ...)
    • It runs the pywikipedia framework and should be fully compatible with the other bots running.
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
    • Interwiki-links will be corrected even more speedily as more robots are working the wikiprojects. This is a win/win situation for everyone.
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
    • If time permits, I can be approached about running specific tasks, yes.

Best regards, Stigmj 23:32, 11. Jun. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

Ich möchte für meinen Bot ein Botflag beantragen.

  • Betreiber: Guandalug (Kontakt)
  • Bot: LinkFA-Bot (contribsmakebot )
  • Funktion: Aktualisierung der Vorlagennutzung der Vorlage Schabloun:Link FA, Details für den Ablauf finden sich HIER.
  • Software: PHP Framework, selbstgeschrieben. Modular erweiterbar, also auch andere, spezifische Aufgaben möglich. Quelltext auf Wunsch einsehbar (noch nicht öffentlich, da unkommentiert / ohne Doku)
  • Sonstiges: Überwachter Betrieb, bereits mit Botflag auf de, en, simple, als, Botflag auf bar beantragt (Ich möchte die Sprache der WP, auf der ich ändere, zumindest lesen / verstehen können). Beispiel - Edits vom Bot gibt es, wenn der Bot hier erwünscht ist, auf Anfrage.

Besten Dank im Voraus --Guandalug 15:04, 15. Jun. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

So, der Bot is einmal durch - der erste Botlauf brachte 'ne ganze Menge Änderungen: 1304 Auszeichnungen hinzugefügt, 22 entfernt. Ich lasse den Bot in Zukunft 1 - 2 mal pro Monat laufen, je nach Zeit. --Guandalug 06:26, 19. Jun. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]
  • Operator: m:User:ChongDae
  • Purpose: Interwiki, auto and manually mode, from hr Wiki, daily
  • Software: Pywikipedia framework
  • Bot flagged on: cdo, da, de, es, en, eo, fi, fr, he, ia, id, it, ja, ko, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, ru, sl, sr, sv, vi, zh, zh-min-nan, zh-yue

thank you -- ChongDae 17:10, 24. Jun. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

Bot flag granted/Botstatus erteilt. --Thogo (Diskussion) 17:42, 20. Jul. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

Thanks. Luckas Blade 17:33, 10. Jul. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

Bot flag granted/Botstatus erteilt. --Thogo (Diskussion) 17:42, 20. Jul. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

Thanks! --Albambot 09:12, 20. Aug. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

I hereby request botflag on this wiki for my bot StigBot.

  • Owner’s account: Stigmj (talk)
  • Bot account: StigBot (contribssulmakebot )
  • Function: mainly interwiki, but can be used in user-namespace for adding userpages etc. on request from the affected users.
  • Software: Pywikipedia, updated from SVN before each run.
  • Other: Runs manually initiated automatic supervised and sometimes entirely manual. Already has global bot flag and specific bot flag on: als, ar, ast, be_x_old, bg, bn, bpy, ca, chr, cs, cu, da, de, en, eo, es, fi, fr, fur, gu, gv, hr, hsb, hu, ia, ie, io, is, it, iu, ja, lad, mi, mk, na, new, nl, nn, no, oc, os, pl, pt, ro, ru, sa, sah, sco, si, simple, so, sr, sv, tr, udm, uz, vo, zh_classical and zh

Best regards, Stigmj 07:33, 24. Sep. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

Botflag gesetzt. --Thogo (Diskussion) 08:06, 29. Sep. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]
  • Operator: fr:User:Gdgourou
  • Bot account : Ptbotgourou
  • Purpose: Interwiki
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: Automatic (autonomous mode)
  • Programming Language: Pywikipediabot via SVN updated daily
  • Already has bot flag: 43 wikipedias

Thanks --Gdgourou 11:52, 25. Sep. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

Corrected the bot flag list with a link to SUL util.--Gdgourou 21:57, 1. Okt 2008 (UTC)

--JaynFM 23:33, 27. Sep. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

  • Operator: lt:User:Homo
  • Purpose: Interwiki
  • Programming Language:Python (Pywikipedia)
  • Already has bot flag:New bot

--Homo 12:16, 10. Okt 2008 (UTC)

Bot flag for Muro Bot (global bot)

[Quelltext änneren]
  • Operator: es:Muro de Aguas
  • Purpose: Interwiki
  • Programming Language: Python (Pywikipedia)
  • Already has bot flag on: 50+ wikis, with more than 535,000 edits.

Thanks. Muro de Aguas 15:33, 15. Dez. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

Bot flag for HerculeBot (global bot)

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Thanks --Hercule 14:42, 22. Dez. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

Bot flag for GnawnBot (global bot)

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Regards,--StormDaebak 01:16, 23. Dez. 2008 (UTC)[äntweren]

I request bot status for my interwiki bot, Darkicebot.

  • Operator: simple:User:Razorflame
  • Function: interwiki
  • Operation: automatic as long as I am on, which is usually between 4 and 12 hours.
  • Software: standard pywikipediabot updated daily.
  • Has bot flags on:simple, it, es, fr, az, en, de, pt, bs, vec, ca, sv, vo, uk, ru, az, ar, ku, he, nl, hu, fi, eo, sk, ja, gl, vi, zh, pl, oc, id, an
  • Bot flags pending:cs, bg, be, fa, da, co, ro, ht, mr, sr, sl, ko, lt, no, tr, io, zh-yue, zh-classical, ast, bar, eu

This bot will be making anywheres between 4 and 12 edits per minute. If you require any test edits or if you grant or deny the flag, please contact me on my talk page over on Simple English Wikipedia: simple:User talk:Razorflame. Thank you! Razorflame 05:49, 15. Feb. 2009 (UTC)[äntweren]

  • Operator: en:User:Djsasso
  • Function: interwiki
  • Operation: automatic
  • Software: standard pywikipediabot
  • Has bot flags on:als, an, ar, ast, ba, be, bh, ca, cs, de, en, eo, es, et, fr, he, hu, id, ig, io, it, ja, mg, nl, nn, pl, pt, ru, sah, simple, sl, sr, th, uk, vec, vo, wuu, yo, zh, zh-min-nan, zh-yue, zu.

Thanks! -Djsasso 00:23, 5. Mäe. 2009 (UTC)[äntweren]

  • Operator: Chesnok
  • Function summary: interwiki
  • Function details: automatic/manual interwiki using standard pywikipediabot
  • Programming language: Python
  • Already have a flag on (incl. global bot flag): ab, af, ak, als, am, an, ang, ar, arz, as, ast, ay, az, ba, bcl, be, be-x-old, bg, bi, bm, bo, bpy, bs, ca, cbk-zam, cdo, ch, crh, cs, csb, cu, da, de, diq, dsb, ee, el, en, eo, es, et, ext, fa, fi, fo, fr, frp, fur, gan, gn, got, gu, gv, haw, he, hi, hif, hr, hsb, hu, ia, id, ie, ilo, io, it, iu, ja, jbo, kaa, kab, kl, km, kn, ko, ku, kw, ky, lad, lmo, ln, lt, lv, map-bms, mdf, mg, mk, mn, myv, na, nah, new, nl, no, nov, nrm, nv, om, os, pa, pam, pap, pdc, pl, ps, pt, rm, rmy, ro, roa-rup, roa-tara, ru, sa, sah, sd, se, simple, si, sk, sl, sm, so, sr, ss, sv, sw, tet, tg, ti, tn, to, tpi, tr, ts, uk, uz, vo, wa, wuu, xal, yi, yo, zh, zu
  • Pending flag on: pms
  • Contributions

Thank you! — Chesnok 14:19, 8. Mäe. 2009 (UTC)[äntweren]

  • Operator: ar:User:جمال بركات
  • Function: interwiki
  • Operation: automatic as long as I am on, which is usually between 9 and 12 hours.
  • Software: pywikipedia
  • Has bot flags on:[2]
  • Bot flags pending:[3]

And thak you very much ! --جمال بركات 12:38, 17. Mäe. 2009 (UTC)[äntweren]

  • Operator: nl:gebruiker:Maurits
  • Function: interwiki + cosmetic changes (the latter only being applied in combination with the first)
  • Operation: continuous
  • Software: pywikipedia
  • Has bot flags on:nl, en, de, pt [4]
  • Bot flags pending:es, da, it, fr, la, fy
  • Remarks: the bot runs mostly from nl and some smaller wiki's, like fy and nds-nl.

Kind regards, --Maurits 20:15, 10. Mee 2009 (UTC)[äntweren]

Bot flag request for Almabot

[Quelltext änneren]
  • Operator: fr:User:Nakor
  • Function: interwiki links
  • Operation: daily
  • Software: pywikipedia
  • Has bot flags on: 61 wikis as well as global flag (150 wikis)

Thanks in advance. Nakor 01:40, 19. Mee 2009 (UTC)[äntweren]

Bot flag request for MerlLinkBot

[Quelltext änneren]
  • Operator: w:de:User:Merlissimo
  • Function:
    • main task: Ersetzung von Weblinks
    • side job: selten interwikis (mit py)
  • Operation: halbautomatisch
  • Software: java (eigenes Framework)
  • Has bot flags on: dewiki(home),ar,be-x-old,bn,bs,ca,cs,da,en,es,fr,he,hr,hu,it,ja,ksh,lt,ms,nl,nn,no,pl,pt,ro,ru,sh,sr,sv,sw,zh,commons,simple and some more requested (see all flags)
  • Function Details:: Weblinks, die durch einen Domainwechsel oder Strukturwechsel der Homepage so nicht mehr gültig sind, jedoch über eine neue URL vom gleichen Betreiber weiterhin zur Verfügung gestellt werden, ersetzt der Bot. Die neuen Links werden immer zuvor auf einen 200-Status geprüft. Nur die Link wird geändert, kein Linktext.

Kann jemand die Zusammenfassungzeilen für meinen Bot lokalisieren? Näheres dazu auf Benotzer Diskussioun:MerlLinkBot. Merlissimo 23:25, 14. Okt. 2009 (UTC)[äntweren]

Danke. Merlissimo 13:49, 15. Okt. 2009 (UTC)[äntweren]
  • Operator:id:User:Tjmoel
  • Function:
    • Main job: Interwiki from id.wikipedia
    • Others: plan to run for cosmetic changes on id.wikipedia
  • Operation:Automatic and/or manual
  • Software: Pywikipedia

I am basically updating interwiki between to others, especially that there are a lot of pages without interwiki. Thanks for your assistance and help. Tjmoel 09:33, 17. Nov. 2009 (UTC)[äntweren]

  • Operator:de:User:Obersachse
  • Function:
    • Main job: Interwikis
    • Others: Auflösung von Links auf Begriffklärungsseiten
  • Operation:Automatisch (wo alles klar ist) oder unter Aufsicht (in schwierigeren Fällen)
  • Software: Pywikipedia, täglich per svn upgedatet

Der Bot ist ein globaler Bot und hat das flag in 33 Wikipedias bekommen. --Obersachsebot 16:51, 2. Mee 2010 (UTC)[äntweren]

  • List of botflags on others wikipedias: en, da, de, commons and some others - has more than 1 million edits (for tecnical reasons I have 2 bots):
  • Purpose:
  • The main purpose is to cleanup in files by adding the relevant license based on the text on the file page. If no license is there at all I plan to add "Bild-Lizenz-onbekannt".
  • The bot may also add a few interrwiki and also add Schabloun:Commonscat if you do not mind. Also it will be used to copy some images from here to Commons.
  • Technical details : It uses the pywikipedia framework and runs in supervised by me and.
  • How does your bot proceed actually? From which data do you start when running your bot, how often will you run your bot?
  • Main purpose: It will be a combination af lists I made from toolserver and running through all files in a category or in some cases even all files on this wiki. I plan to do it is a one-time-run but it will be possible to do it again from time to time if needed.
  • Other tasks: Interwiki is a well known task and I doubt it will be more than 10 every year. Commonscat will only be added if no other operator does this task and if relevant it will only be added on categories. Transfer to Commons will be performed on the images that should be copied to Commons and I only plan to do so if no local user plan to do that.
  • Are there any known difficulties in your bot and how does it interact with other bots running actually on lb-wikipedia (RobotQuistnix, Robbot, TuvicBot, Escarbot, FlaBot, JAnDbot, ...)
  • No known issues. I check my edits and fix any mistakes made.
  • What will be the added value for lb-wikipedia if your bot runs there? (compared to other bots (especially those running already on lb-wikipedia))
  • Are you ready and able to run your bot for us if we will have a special request?
  • Yes, of course. If I know how :-)

I have made some test edits. Some are deleted but admins should be able to see them. --MGA73 13:13, 31. Aug. 2010 (UTC)[äntweren]

  • Operator  : Wikitanvir
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted : Automatic
  • Programming Language(s)  : Python (pywikipedia)
  • Function Summary  : Interwiki
  • Edit period(s)  : Daily
  • Edit rate requested  : 2/3 edits per minute at most
  • Already has a bot flag (Y/N)  : Yes, see here
  • Function Details  : Bot will patrol recent changes and new pages, and add, remove, or modify interwiki links in autonomous mode.

Currently doing some test edits. Notify me if there is a problem. — Tanvir • 20:27, 2. Okt. 2010 (UTC)[äntweren]

  • Operator  : Cocu (no.wikipedia)
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted : Automatic
  • Programming Language(s)  : Pywikipedia framework
  • Function Summary  : Interwiki
  • Edit period(s)  : Daily
  • Edit rate requested  : 2/3 edits per minute at most
  • Already has a bot flag (Y/N)  : Yes, 37 flags
  • Function Details  : Bot will patrol recent changes and new pages, and add, remove, or modify interwiki links in autonomous mode.

Currently doing some test edits. Notify me if there is a problem. --– Cocu (d) 12:45, 4. Jun. 2011 (UTC)[äntweren]

  • Operator  : Avicennasis
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted : Automatic
  • Programming Language(s)  : Pywikipedia framework
  • Function Summary  : Maintain Interwiki links/fixing double redirects
  • Edit period(s)  : Continually
  • Edit rate requested  : 6/min
  • Already has a bot flag (Y/N)  : Yes, flags
  • Function Details  : Bot will Maintain Interwiki links and fix double redirects.

Will begin some test edits. Notify me if there is a problem. -Avicennasis (SWMT) 19:13, 15. Okt. 2011 (UTC)[äntweren]

Ech froen heimadder de Botstatus un.

  • Bedreiwer: Volvox
  • Numm vum Bot: VolvoxBot
  • But: Massenännerunge mam AutoWikiBrowser ouni d'Rezent Ännerungen z'iwwerschwemmen, gréisstendeels vum Typ „find and replace“, beispillsweis orthografesch Korrekturen (z. B. „Triathlet“ → „Triathleet“), systematesch inhaltlech Ersetzungen (z. B. „Galaxis“ → „Galaxie“) oder éischter technesch-formal Ersetzunge (z. B. „{{KategorieSpezial}}“ → „{{Kategorie}}“).
  • Funktiounsweis: Hannert dësem Bot stécht keng eng Zeil Code, just de Volvox, deen den AutoWikiBrowser benotzt.

Bot policy

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Hello. To facilitate steward granting of bot access, I suggest implementing the standard bot policy on this wiki. In particular, this policy allows stewards to automatically flag known interlanguage linking bots (if this page says that is acceptable), which form the vast majority of such requests. The policy also enables global bots on this wiki (if this page says that is acceptable), which are trusted bots that will be given bot access on every wiki that allows global bots.

This policy makes bot access requesting much easier for local users, operators, and stewards. To implement it we only need to create a redirect to this page from Wikipedia:Bot policy, and add a line at the top noting that it is used here. Please read the text at m:Bot policy before commenting. If you object, please say so; I hope to implement in one week if there is no objection, since it is particularly written to streamline bot requests on wikis with little or no community interested in bot access requests. Rubin16 11:16, 1. Jun. 2009 (UTC)[äntweren]

Discussion was here Rubin16 11:05, 9. Jun. 2009 (UTC)[äntweren]

Lëscht vun alle Botten

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Registréiert Botten

[Quelltext änneren]
Numm Operateur Aufgaben Kontributiounen
RobotQuistnix Quistnix Pywikipediabot fir Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum RobotQuistnix
Escarbot Vargenau Pywikipediabot fir Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum Escarbot
Robbot Andre Engels Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum Robbot
TuvicBot Tuvic Pywikipediabot fir Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum TuvicBot
Thijs!bot Thijs! Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum Thijs!bot
FlaBot Flacus Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum FlaBot
JAnDbot JAn Dudík Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum JAnDbot
Riccardobot Riccardo Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum Riccardobot
Zwobot Head Pywikipediabot fir Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum Zwobot
TXiKiBoT eu:TXiKi Pywikipediabot fir Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum TXiKiBoT
Soulbot Soulkeeper Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum Soulbot
Qualia QualiaUser Pywikipediabot fir Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum Qualia
VolkovBot ru:User:Volkov Pywikipediabot fir Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum VolkovBot
SieBot Benotzer:Siebrand Pywikipediabot fir Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum SieBot
Huzzlet the bot m:User:PuzzletChung Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum Huzzlet the bot
Le Pied-bot EDUCA33E Pywikipediabot fir Interwikilinken (virunallem Kategorien) Kontributiounen vum Le Pied-bot
BotMultichill Multichill Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum BotMultichill
Loveless Darkoneko Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum Loveless
Byrialbot Byrial Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum Byrialbot
AlleborgoBot Alleborgo Pywikipediabot fir Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum AlleborgoBot
PipepBot Pipep Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum PipepBot
Melouresbot Les Meloures manuell Kategoriegetriwwels an Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum MelouresBot
Rei-bot Rei-artur Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum Rei-bot
PolarBot Polarlys Interwikilinken Kontributiounen vum PolarBot
Idioma-bot lt:User:Hugo.arg interwiki, double redirect fixing Kontributiounen vum Idioma-bot
MenoBot Meno25 interwiki fixing Kontributiounen vum MenoBot
Purbo_T Purodha interwiki link maintenance Kontributiounen vum Purbo T
Alexbot Alexsh Interwiki(+autonomous), double redirect fix, featured article interwiki link Kontributiounen vum Alexbot
Computer Commons:User:White Cat Interwiki linking, double redirect fixing, commons delinking Kontributiounen vum Computer
FiriBot Firilacroco Interwiki (pywikipedia) "autonomous" mode Kontributiounen vum FiriBot
Synthebot Julian Mendez interwiki links Kontributiounen vum Synthebot
CarsracBot Carsrac pure pywikipedia interwiki bot Kontributiounen vum CarsracBot
MelancholieBot als:User:Melancholie pure pywikipedia interwiki bot Kontributiounen vum MelancholieBot
WikiDreamer Bot WikiDreamer automatic pywikipedia Interwiki from eo wikipedia Kontributiounen vum WikiDreamer Bot
LinkFA-Bot Guandalug Aktualisierung der Vorlagennutzung der Vorlage Schabloun:Link FA, PHP Framework Kontributiounen vum LinkFA-Bot
SpBot de:User:Euku interwiki links (pywikipediabot framework Kontributiounen vum SpBot
xqbot user:xqt Interwiki, double redirect fix, featured article (pywikipediabot framework) Kontributiounen vum xqbot

Botten an der TestPhas

[Quelltext änneren]
Numm Operateur Aufgaben
TottyBot su:User:Irwangatot Modification of interwiki links
SoxBot en:User:Soxred93 update interwiki links
BodhisattvaBot Dalibor Bosits Interwiki, auto and manually mode
StigBot Stigmj mainly interwiki, Pywikipedia

Inaktiv Botten

[Quelltext änneren]
Numm Operateur Aufgaben
ChronoBot Otets Nei Artikelskeletter
InterluxBot Otets Interwikilinken
LuxBot Otets Schreifweiskorrektur
Bgbot Borislav Interwikilinken op d'bg-wiki
LetzBOT Renderwander Interwikilinkkorrektur
RCBot Richie Ëmbenennung vu Commonsbillerlinken

Statistik vun de Botten

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Statistik vun de Botten op alle Wikien

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Statistik vum 1. Januar 2007 bis den 31. Mäerz 2007: