ジョン・ポーリーン博士の黙示録講義  新たな光(第二巻)② - Latter Rain-聖書研究

Latter Rain-聖書研究


ジョン・ポーリーン博士の黙示録講義  新たな光(第二巻)②





1デナリオン:当時の肉体労働者の1日の賃金に相当する額。 1コイニクス:1日の大人の食べ物の重量に相当。















Dr. John Pauliens Revelation Lecture: A New Light (Vol. 2)
Today, I would like to continue from the previous lecture with a summary of the third and fourth seals, as well as a comprehensive overview of the first through fourth seals.

■The Third Seal
Black Horse: In the Bible, black does not mean the opposite of white. Like a white horse, it has not gone out into the world.
Scale: In this case, it is a mass scale with plates hanging on both sides. Therefore, it is not a judgment but a state of starvation (lack). It is one of the curses of the covenant.
1 denarion: equivalent to the daily wage of a manual laborer at the time. 1 coinix: equivalent to the daily weight of an adult's food.
->A state of famine in which one needs to pay the entire daily wage to buy one serving of wheat
->and a day's wage can only buy three servings of barley, which is inferior in quality to wheat
Don't spoil olive oil and wine: these are not staples but luxuries. An interesting state of famine in which there are no staples but luxuries.
Conclusion: The black horse represents a state of spiritual famine in contrast to the white horse (evangelism). The bread, the staple food, is the Word of God. But olive oil (the Holy Spirit) and wine (the blood of Christ) are the blessings of God. It is not a fatal spiritual situation, but a state in which the grace of God has not yet been completely destroyed (Amos 8: 11-12). It is a similar situation in the present, when knowledge of the word is lacking, but the door of grace is still open.

■The Fourth Seal
Pale Horse: A morbid color that represents an epidemic or plague. It is one of the curses of the covenant. This horse also does not actually travel through the earth as a final judgment. But death and the crypt follow it.
Risen Christ has the key to death and the crypt: the reassurance that what we fear most is under the control of Jesus Christ. The hope that the time will come when these things will cease to exist. In the seven trumpets, there is a great hope that whatever terrible calamities and tribulations repeat themselves, they will all be under the control of Christ and will not last forever.
Controlling 1/4 of the Earth: The knights on each horse in Seals 1 through 4 seem to control 1/4 of the Earth. They also control the wind in the four corners in Chapter 7. In the Bible, "horse" and "wind" symbolize the same thing.

■Summary of Seals 1 through 4
Woe is gradual: The severity of woe and curse increases as one progresses from the first to the fourth. The state of the blue horse in the fourth seal (spiritual decline and death) is the worst, and it becomes the worst in Revelation 18. Only the third horse and the fourth horse have not yet come into the world and have not yet reached the end of the grace period.
Representation of universal facts by responding to the gospel: Representation of the process of our experience. Meaning that when a person comes into contact with the gospel, on the one hand, he gains fruit by obedience to the gospel, and on the other hand, he reaps the consequences of rejection or disobedience of the gospel, and finally death and infirmity follow.