2025 FreeBSD 14.2 で確認
clamav-milter は clamav パッケージに同梱
pkg install clamav
デフォルト設定で X-Virus-Scanned, X-Virus-Status ヘッダ追加されなくなった
/usr/local/etc/clamav-milter.conf # If this option is set to "Replace" (or "Yes"), an "X-Virus-Scanned" and an # "X-Virus-Status" headers will be attached to each processed message, possibly # replacing existing headers. # If it is set to Add, the X-Virus headers are added possibly on top of the # existing ones. # Note that while "Replace" can potentially break DKIM signatures, "Add" may # confuse procmail and similar filters. # Default: no #AddHeader Replace
LogVerbose デフォルト no
yesにしないと /var/log/maillogに Milter (clmilter) add: header: X-Virus-Scanned などはでない
# Enable verbose logging. # # Default: no #LogVerbose yesLogVerbose yes
FreeBSD 12 で自宅サーバ作成 メールサーバ編その2 #clamav - Qiita 2022 FreeBSD 12