- Taybet:Listusers/bot
- en: Requests for the bot flag should be made on this page. This wiki uses the standard bot policy, and allows global bots and automatic approval of certain types of bots. Other bots should apply below, and then request access from a steward if there is no objection.
Hello, I am running my Bot User:SpaceBirdyBot as interwikibot on is.wikt (and de,es,pt,ga,af,fo,nah,scn,nl,sv,ro) lately because not all links are catched by the current active bots there (they have not much activity). If You are interested I can set my bot to run here also.
I am using SVN pywikipedia (latest) and run it using
interwiki.py -wiktionary -autonomous -force -noauto -nobacklink -noshownew -neverlink:fur,ilo,nov,sco,tlh
Best regards, --gerdunmel (:> )=| 23:43, 2 avrêl 2008 (UTC)
- Hi, please contact me at my talkpage on Meta, is. or de.wikt if You are interested, since I will not check back here, thanks, --gerdunmel (:> )=| 02:19, 10 avrêl 2008 (UTC)
- I have requested botflag on meta, to not spam the recent changes anymore ;) --gerdunmel (:> )=| 19:13, 7 Tîrmeh 2008 (UTC)
- Botmaster: Luckas Blade
- Bot's name: User:Luckas-bot
- List of bot flags on other Wiktionaries: pt, waiting in others
- Purpose: interwiki
- Technical details: svn pywikipediabot, latest versions
Best regards, --Luckas Blade 21:39, 21 sermawez 2008 (UTC)
Bot flag request
- Owner/runner: en:User:Robert Ullmann
- Language/platform: Python, part of "wikipedia framework", MW API
- Code: en:User:Interwicket/code
- Status/edits on wikts: en:User:Interwicket/FL status
Bot is written to use the Mediawiki API, which is much more effective than the wikipedia pybot framework; it does use the framework module for language links, to stay up with changes in wikt policies (that are included there, some are not!).
Its primary function is to keep all the en.wikt links up to date, here it will be adding reciprocal links to the en.wikt when a link is added there; it is generally a good idea to keep these symmetrical. This is part of a project to develop interwiki code specifically for the wiktionaries. It also adds any other valid links it has found and removes any known to be invalid.
For more information, please see en:User:Interwicket and subpages.
It has done a number of tests here, in a test mode where it makes edits only once every few hours (on average). Robert Ullmann 13:44, 12 adar 2009 (UTC)
- Botmaster: Roggy
- Bot's name: User:RoggBot
- List of bot flags on other Wiktionaries: list
- Purpose: interwiki
- Technical details: svn pywikipediabot, latest versions
Best regards, --Roggy 22:24, 6 pûşper 2009 (UTC)
- Botmaster: محمد الجداوي
- Bot's name: User:GedawyBot
- List of bot flags on other Wiktionaries: list
- Purpose: interwiki
- Technical details: pywikipediabot, latest versions
Thanks in advance.--محمد الجداوي (Nîqaş) 14:37, 27 kewçêr 2011 (UTC)
- Botmaster: George Animal
- Bot's name: GanimalBot
- Purpose: interwiki, formatting pages
- Technical details: pywikipediabot
- Botmaster: Yoursmile
- Bot's name: User:YS-Bot
- List of bot flags on other Wiktionaries: de
- Purpose: interwiki
- Technical details: pywikipediabot, latest versions
If you need some test edits, just tell me. Best regards --Yoursmile (gotûbêj) 10:31, 12 gelawêj 2012 (UTC)
Bot status for special:contributions/Bot-Jagwar
[biguhêre]Hello everyone,
I would like to ask for bot-status for Bot-jagwar in this site. I have been sollicited to create some page here (Kurdish main verb forms) so I ask this status not to flood the recent changes. Also, I would like to use the interwiki bot. Best regards. Jagwar (gotûbêj) 22:20, 27 gelawêj 2012 (UTC)
[biguhêre]- Support. As proposer. Jagwar (gotûbêj) 17:51, 2 rezber 2012 (UTC)
Bo--ζΞ∀Ω (gotûbêj) 18:36, 2 rezber 2012 (UTC)
[biguhêre]- The request to stewards has been done. --Jagwar (gotûbêj) 21:50, 8 rezber 2012 (UTC)
- Botmaster: Malafaya
- Bot's name: Bikarhêner:MalafayaBot
- List of bot flags on other Wiktionaries: see interwikis on bot's page
- Purpose: interwiki linking
- Technical details: Pywikipedia
I will perform some test edits. Best regards, Malafaya (gotûbêj) 10:31, 4 rezber 2012 (UTC)
Bot policy
[biguhêre]Hello. To facilitate steward granting of bot access, I suggest implementing the standard bot policy on this wiki. In particular, this policy allows stewards to automatically flag known interlanguage linking bots (if this page says that is acceptable), which form the vast majority of such requests. The policy also enables global bots on this wiki (if this page says that is acceptable), which are trusted bots that will be given bot access on every wiki that allows global bots.
This policy makes bot access requesting much easier for local users, operators, and stewards. To implement it we only need to create a redirect to this page from Project:Bot policy, and add a line at the top noting that it is used here. Please read the text at m:Bot policy before commenting. If you object, please say so; I hope to implement in two weeks if there is no objection, since it is particularly written to streamline bot requests on wikis with little or no community interested in bot access requests. Malafaya (gotûbêj) 17:26, 4 rezber 2012 (UTC)
- Botmaster: Hydriz
- Bot's name: User:HydrizBot
- List of bot flags on other Wiktionaries: full list
- Purpose: interwiki
- Technical details: pywikipediabot, latest versions
Regards. --Hydriz (gotûbêj) 15:57, 14 rezber 2012 (UTC)
Done. Bot flag granted. Trijnstel (gotûbêj) 20:47, 21 rezber 2012 (UTC)
- Botmaster: Cyrus the virus
- Bot's name: Cyrusbot
- Purpose: creating pages, add cross-translations
- Technical details: DotNetWikiBot
- Botmaster: Carsrac
- Bot's name: User:CarsracBot
- List of bot flags on other Wiktionaries: full list
- Purpose: interwiki
- Technical details: pywikipediabot, latest versions
Regards. --Carsrac (gotûbêj) 20:42, 28 berfanbar 2012 (UTC)
Bo--ζΞ∀Ω (gotûbêj) 17:05, 30 berfanbar 2012 (UTC)
- Hi Carsrac
- Könntest du zuerst hier Botrechte beantragen (da, Stewards von Meta das verlangen) und dann hier auf Meta Rechte für deinen Bot beantragen? Danke im Voraus und Danke für die Botbeiträge.--Liebe Grüe nach Holland--George Animal 28 dec 2012 17:43 (CET)
- Hi Beste/r
- auf ku.wikt gibt es zurzeit keinen aktiven Burokrat, so dass du schon heute auf Meta nachfragen und da einen Antrag stellen kannst.Liebe Grüße--George Animal 29 dec 2012 12:28 (CET)
- Botmaster: George Animal
- Bot's name: User:JiyanBot
- Purpose: interwiki, formattig pages, creating conjugated verb forms via API, AWB
- Technical details: pywikipediabot, AWB
--George Animal (gotûbêj) 18:54, 26 sermawez 2013 (UTC)
- Botmaster: Ghybu
- Bot's name: Bikarhêner:WîkîBot
- Purpose: For corrections and formatting of wiki code
- Technical details: AWB
Ghybu (gotûbêj) 17:42, 22 gelawêj 2017 (UTC)
- Botmaster: Balyozxane
- Bot's name: Bikarhêner:Balyozbot
- Purpose: For corrections and formatting of wiki code, and creating new pages
- Technical details: AWB
--Balyozxane (gotûbêj) 20:31, 28 gulan 2020 (UTC)
[biguhêre]![]() |
Dengdan di 12ê hezîranê de dest pê kir û di 19ê hezîranê de bi dawî bû. → Hat pejirandin. |
@Ping @Hakîmo, Ghybu, Mohajeer, û Pispor: @Gulsumake, Ferhengvan, Balyozxane, û Bibliophile: @Biyolojiyabikurdi, CathFR, Cyrus the virus, û Ferhengvan: @Dr. Oremar, Eniboyy, Eyyubfirat, û Ferhad Kurdi: @Gomada, Guherto, IbrahimKocher Duhok, û Jiju: @Penaber49, Sari Mahsun, Zinarê Meley, Ûsibê Bêmal, û Şêr: @Tûrikêxendekê, Bikarhêner, Sêwregî, û Qurreder:
[biguhêre]Erê -- Bikarhêner (gotûbêj) 21:36, 11 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
Erê — Pispor (gotûbêj) 22:17, 11 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
Erê -- Mohajeer (gotûbêj) 21:45, 12 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
Erê -- Guherto (gotûbêj) 21:15, 17 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
[biguhêre]Xwestin--Balyozxane (gotûbêj) 21:11, 17 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
- Botmaster: Guherto
- Bot's name: Bikarhêner:GuhertoBot
- Purpose: Correcting old wikitext, bad formatting and referencing problems. Creating new pages from trusted sources.
- Technical details: Custom
-- Guherto (gotûbêj) 21:46, 17 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
[biguhêre]![]() |
Dengdan di 12ê hezîranê de dest pê kir û di 19ê hezîranê de bi dawî bû. → Hat pejirandin. |
[biguhêre]Erê Balyozxane (gotûbêj) 20:38, 18 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
Erê --Ghybu (gotûbêj) 18:26, 23 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
[biguhêre]Şirove @Guherto: Tu çima AWB an pywikibot bi kar naînî? Tu dibêjî Custom e lê li vir ji bilî @Cyrus the virus, Ghybu, û Şêr: kes nîn e ji kodê fêm bike, lê binêre û bêje gelo koda te li gor krîterên wîkiyê hatine avakirin an na. Heta ku yek ji wan fikrê xwe nebêje, ez bixwe nikarim tiştek êrenî an neyînî bêjim. :/ --Balyozxane (gotûbêj) 03:00, 18 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
- Silav Balyozxane, ez hez Python nakim û ez wê baş nizanim. Bota min girêdayî bernameya min go çewtîyan û rûpelên kevn dibînê ye. Ez hercar dixwazim bernameyên xwe bixwe çêkim û gelekî kêfa min nayê ji bikaranîna "frameworks"/"libraries". Ez ê çawa zanibim ma koda min li got krîterên wîkîyê hatiye avakirin? Koda min gelekî hêsanî ye. Pêşî di kopîyeke ji Wîkîferhengê di digerê li rûpelên xelet û dûvre wa rûpela ji malpera Wîkîferhengê dixwênê. Go hê jî xeletîyên wan hebin wa rûpela diguherê. -- Guherto (gotûbêj) 08:18, 18 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
- @Guherto: Bota xwe li gor van rêzikan 1 bixebitîne hinek. Bots running without a bot flag should edit at intervals of over 1 minute between edits (= less than 1 edit per minute). Heke ti kes tiştek nebêje, em ê dengê xwe bidin û ji Stewards bipirsin :D --Balyozxane (gotûbêj) 08:56, 18 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
- Tu vêce çi difikirê? -- Guherto (gotûbêj) 18:39, 18 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
- @Guherto: Krîterên wîkiyê li ser zimanê kodê tine ye. Tenê dema çêkirina botê vana bixwîne: en:meta:Bot policy--Ghybu (gotûbêj) 18:47, 18 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
- @Ghybu: Ez xwendime jî. Min tenê bersivê da Balyozxane, naxwe ez jî difikirîm be koda botê ne girîng e. -- Guherto (gotûbêj) 18:51, 18 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
- @Guherto: Krîterên wîkiyê li ser zimanê kodê tine ye. Tenê dema çêkirina botê vana bixwîne: en:meta:Bot policy--Ghybu (gotûbêj) 18:47, 18 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
- Tu vêce çi difikirê? -- Guherto (gotûbêj) 18:39, 18 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
- @Guherto: Bota xwe li gor van rêzikan 1 bixebitîne hinek. Bots running without a bot flag should edit at intervals of over 1 minute between edits (= less than 1 edit per minute). Heke ti kes tiştek nebêje, em ê dengê xwe bidin û ji Stewards bipirsin :D --Balyozxane (gotûbêj) 08:56, 18 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
- Silav Balyozxane, ez hez Python nakim û ez wê baş nizanim. Bota min girêdayî bernameya min go çewtîyan û rûpelên kevn dibînê ye. Ez hercar dixwazim bernameyên xwe bixwe çêkim û gelekî kêfa min nayê ji bikaranîna "frameworks"/"libraries". Ez ê çawa zanibim ma koda min li got krîterên wîkîyê hatiye avakirin? Koda min gelekî hêsanî ye. Pêşî di kopîyeke ji Wîkîferhengê di digerê li rûpelên xelet û dûvre wa rûpela ji malpera Wîkîferhengê dixwênê. Go hê jî xeletîyên wan hebin wa rûpela diguherê. -- Guherto (gotûbêj) 08:18, 18 hezîran 2020 (UTC)
- Botmaster: Poslovitch
- Bot's name: Bikarhêner:Lingua Libre Bot
- Purpose: Adding audio pronunciation recorded on Lingua Libre
- Technical details: Source code on Github
Pamputt (gotûbêj) 21:53, 17 çiriya pêşîn 2021 (UTC)
[biguhêre]![]() |
Dengdan di 21ê çiriya pêşîn de dest pê kir û di 30ê çiriya paşîn de bi dawî bû. → Hat pejirandin. |
[biguhêre]Erê --Ghybu (gotûbêj) 15:36, 18 çiriya pêşîn 2021 (UTC)
Erê Everything seems fine. Thanks for your efforts @Pamputt --Balyozxane (gotûbêj) 19:46, 21 çiriya pêşîn 2021 (UTC)
[biguhêre]- Ghybu, Balyozxane thanks for you support. I opened a request on Meta to get the bot status for Lingua Libre Bot here. Pamputt (gotûbêj) 11:36, 30 çiriya paşîn 2021 (UTC)
- Lingua Libre Bot should start to add audio pronunciations on the Kurdish Wiktionary by the end of the week. Please report anything wrong/weird. Pamputt (gotûbêj) 16:36, 1 kanûna pêşîn 2021 (UTC)
- Botmaster: Sakura emad
- Bot's name: Bikarhêner:SakuraBot
- Purpose: Interwiki maintanence and Wikidata
- Technical details: Pywikibot
--Balyozxane (gotûbêj) 12:13, 20 tîrmeh 2023 (UTC)
[biguhêre]![]() |
Dengdan di 20.07.2023 de dest pê kir û di 27.07.2023 de bi dawî bû. → Hat pejirandin. request on meta |
Erê --Balyozxane (gotûbêj) 12:13, 20 tîrmeh 2023 (UTC)
Erê --Ghybu (gotûbêj) 12:28, 20 tîrmeh 2023 (UTC)
Erê -- Bikarhêner (gotûbêj) 06:31, 22 tîrmeh 2023 (UTC)