Wikipedia:Bots — Wikipedia Zum Inhalt springen


Uß de Wikipedia
(Ömjeleit vun Wikipedia:Bot)
English     Kölsch

This page is intentionally written in English so that those who should read it can understand it.

A Bot or Robot is a user of this wiki which is a program.

Robots are very useful for the maintenance of Wikipedia. Managing interwiki links would not be feasible without bots.

  • Feel free to use Wikibots to update the interwiki links to and from the Kölsch/Ripuarian Wikipedia,
  • and feel free to feed resulting warnfiles into the Kölsch/Ripuarian Wikipedia,

as long as you meet the following requirements:

  1. You use a username — anyomous edits of bots are not welcome.
  2. Your username is flagged as robot. You probably know what that means. Ask the sysops to have your account here changed to "robot", if your bot is doing more than occasional work.
  3. In any case, put yout bots user page in the Category:Wikipedia:Medmaacher es ene Bot, using:
    [[Saachjrupp:Wikipedia:Medmaacher es ene Bot|{{PAGENAME}}]]

The reason why is simple: The special page recentchanges allows to filter out changes by bots. This helps a lot. Violating any of the above rules would make that filter useless.

These are no real restrictions, so please abide by these rules.

Thank you.

Die Sigg he is in English jeshrivve. Dii se lesse un vershtonn sulle, künne dat nommalerwiiß.

Ene Bot oder Robot es e Projramm, wadd en äänlijje Roll wi ene Medmaacher shpellt.

Ene Bot kam_mer jood bruche för de Wikkipedijas vöran_ze_brenge. Der_oohne hätte_mer allejn_ene Riisenbrassel, Ingerwikilinks en Shußß ze hallde.

  • Do kanns jähn_ne Wikibot nemme, öm_de Interwikilinks op un in de Kölsch/Ripuarische Wikkipedija akurat ze halde.
  • Pack och de Warnlėßte beij unnß hee_erinn, die dobeij_erußkumme.

Et ejnzijje, wat Do doför dunn mußß:

  1. Meld_Dij_aan — Mer wulle kein namenlose Änderunge vun_nem Bot hee han.
  2. Loß Dä Name als enem „Robot“ zojehüüresch markeere. Do weeß weßße wat dat heijß. Saach denne Süßßoppß oddo Köbeßße he bescheijd. Es ävver nit nüüdesch, wann Dinge Bot koum ens jät määt.
  3. Donn Dingem Bot sing Metmaachersigg en de Saachjrupp:Wikipedia:Medmaacher es ene Bot erin med:
    [[Saachjrupp:Wikipedia:Medmaacher es ene Bot|{{PAGENAME}}]]

Wiiso dat? De Söndersigg med de neußte Änderonge kann op Änderunge von dä Botß filtere, se ėn-_un_ußzottiere. Dat hellef onß. Wenn Do Dich nit an uns Räjele hällß, määt de Filtereij keijne Shpaßß mieh un se deijt et nit.

Dat schränk Üch üvverhoup nėt_eijn — dröm sidd_esu_joot, un hald_Üch_draan.

See also — Ußßerdämm

[der Quälltäx ändere]