Giving Report | 早稲田大学へのご支援をお考えの皆様へ - 世界で輝くWASEDAを目指して -

Giving Report

Report of the foundation

Thanks to your warm support, the total amount of donations (including goods) for fiscal year 2023 amounted to 4.89 billion yen. We would like to thank you for your deep understanding and cooperation in the various projects of Waseda University.

1. Designated Donation

Number of donations

Total donation amount (JPY)

7,154 1,966,237,826

2. Endowments and Funds

Number of donations Total donation amount (JPY)
3,335 1,059,547,610

3. Endowed Courses

Number of donations Total donation amount (JPY)
90 186,632,900

4. Education Support Fund

Number of donations Total donation amount (JPY)
461 79,358,784

5. The Waseda Fund

Number of donations Total donation amount (JPY)
9,059 641,531,287


6. Waseda Campus’ New Building 9 Construction Fund

Number of donations Total donation amount (JPY)
2,173 263,584,079


7. In-Kind Donation

Number of donations Total donation amount (JPY)
263 700,553,698

 *This includes the value of machinery, equipment and goods acquired through Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research.


Total contribution amount

Donation kind Number of donations Total donation amount (JPY)
Monetary Donation 22,272 4,196,892,486
In-Kind Donation 263 700,553,698
Total 22,535 4,897,446,184