Waseda Ocean | 早稲田大学へのご支援をお考えの皆様へ - 世界で輝くWASEDAを目指して -

Waseda Ocean

In the Waseda Ocean concept, we will focus on seven research field model points in combination with institutional reform with the aim of improving the international competitiveness of Waseda University.


By connecting the leading universities in the world and Waseda University to one, we will create a place where excellent research / educators and students around the world can freely come and go, and research and human resources who create solutions for global problems and a future.

Three pillars of the concept

In this concept, we are opening the university to the world, aiming for a dramatic improvement in the quality and quantity of educational research in the international flow of dynamic brains.

*Three pillars of the concept

1. Construction of research and education system to solve global problems and create future

2. Promotion of thorough internationalization in education and research

3. Drastic reform of teacher recruitment system and university administration governance


Based on the three pillars above, we will select seven research fields that are internationally highly valued as the model base, concentrate investment in advance, and improve the international presence in each research field.


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